Chapter 19- The Start Of Goodbye

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Jung Hoseok-

She looked so tired and in pain. She would barely eat the vanilla cream buns I gave her. When I asked her if she was okay, she would just nod silently. This made my heart hurt. In a way, she reminded me of myself when I was depressed. I didn't know why she was so sad, but I wanted to see her smile so badly.

"Hyeri, I have a place that I like to go to when I want to feel better. I went to this place with my mother too. Do you want to come with me?" I asked her. Her eyes suddenly brightened up a bit, and I thought I saw a smile form on her lips.

"Okay." She said quietly. I drove to Damocles Dock, a small place not too far from the hospital. When we got there, I saw my grandmother in her small shop by the dock.

"Harlmoni(Grandmother)!" I yelled. She stood up and gave me her usual smile, but then smacked me lightly in the head when I came close to her.

"Aigoo, why don't you visit me anymore child?" She said with her hearty laugh. I gave her a wide smile and she patted my cheek.

"I miss my handsome boy. You look just like your grandfather when he was your age." She said. Her eyes grew wide with happiness when she saw Hyeri next to me.

"Hello, my dear. Are you Hobi's wife?" She asked her. Hyeri's cheeks grew a bright red, but she only gave her a small laugh.

"Not his wife but his girlfriend, Harlmoni." She said happily. My grandmother shook her head and sighed.

"Aigoo, my child. Has he been treating you right?" She asked. Hyeri nodded vigorously.

"More than I deserve." She said while winking at me. I smiled widely and my grandmother clapped her hands in approval.

"I like this girl, Hobi. You should marry her." Grandmother said with a cheeky smile. I could feel my cheeks getting warm and Hyeri slipped her hand into mine. Grandmother motioned us to her counter.

"I always give these keychains to new couples that stop by the shop. But I am going to give you a very special one." She said while pulling out a velvet colored box.

"Harlmoni!" I gasped in shock. I have always seen that box when I was younger, but she always told me that she would never let anybody see what was inside unless they were worthy.

"Hobi, I have kept this box to myself for so long. I want to give it to you two so that you could throw it over the dock. Now hurry on, so that you could come back and I could make something for you to eat." She said while nudging us towards the door.

We walked to the edge of the dock, and I rubbed my hands over the soft velvet box. When I opened it, my eyes were immediately met by two aqua green keychains. One of them had a bright purple jewel in the shape of a star, and the other had a blue jewel in the shape of a heart. Hyeri gasped loudly.

"That's so pretty." She said, mesmerized. I nodded and handed her the one with the purple jewel.

"Now let's throw it." I said excitedly. She looked at me with confused eyes.

"Why would we throw it?" She asked. I cleared my throat.

"Legend has it, that when true lovers throw a certain keychain over this particular dock, both of them will find it later in their lifetime. If they were meant to be, they will find it. If they were not meant to be, they would never find it, and their love would forever be lost out at sea." I told her. She nodded and grabbed my hand.

"Even if I have to swim all the way out to sea, I will find it." She said with a smile.

"1, 2, 3!" I counted down. We both threw it at the same time, and it both disappeared into the water. While we were walking back, she grabbed my hand.

The Happy GoodbyeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ