Chapter 1- Tears Of Unhappiness

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Jung Hoseok-

Empty. As I stared at the ceiling, that is exactly how I felt. How could this even happen? I used to be so happy before, so what changed? I touched the side of my face and traced my fingers along  the bruises on my face and arms. I tried not to think about it, but my mind couldn't help but remember it.


"You . . . are a disgrace to this . . . family," My step-father said, slurring his words. He reeked of alchohol and he was holding a half empty bottle of liquor in his hand. He walked closer and more aggressively towards me.

"Hoseok . . . you are nothing. You will never . . . amount to anything." He said with a laugh. Somehow, that made me really angry. I clenched my fists in fury. My step-father saw this, and it made him laugh harder.

"Your mother . . . would have been ashamed." He said, pointing his finger at me. Just when I couldn't take it any longer, he dropped his bottle and punched me multiple times on my face. At that point, I was in so much pain, I couldn't even feel anything any more. He kept hitting me like I was a punching bag, useless and lifeless. With every blow and every punch, I felt the light dim from my eyes, until there was no light left in it at all.


I could feel hot tears stream out of my cheek and onto my pillow.

"He was right," I muttered quietly to myself. "I am nothing." I got up and wiped the tears from my eyes. I got ready for school and went downstairs. I could see my step-father snoring on the couch, bottles of alchohol still surrounding him.

The bruises on my face seemed to bring alot of attention on me. I could hear whispers as I walked down the hallway and even in the classroom.

Even then, I couldn't concentrate at school. There was a constant ringing in my ears that couldn't stop. I kept  shifting uncomfortably at my desk, and the teacher must have seen that.

"Hoseok, is there any problem?" She said. I looked at her and faked a smile.

"Could I just use the restroom please?" I said quietly. She nodded her head and I walked quickly to the restroom. As I sat down on the ground in a stall, I took out the pills rattling in my pocket. I stared at it and sighed.

"It's too bad that it ends this way." I said, tears pouring out of my eyes. There was too much pain I had to put up with, ever since my real father died. My mother married my step-father, but soon divorced him. She moved away, and although I don't blame her for leaving, I just wished she had taken me with her. I clutched the bottle, ready to open it, but suddenly everything went black.

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