Chapter 14: Why?

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Lana's POV

I think while sipping coffee how can I show her I love her? Should I make her something or make out with her? Why can't she get it through her mind that I fucking love her, I want her to get better and live with me.

"So what's for breakfast?' Carmen says behind a newspaper.                                                               "What you actually want something?"                                                                                         "Sure why not?" she replies sounding like she’s already tired of talking.                                               "Cereal? Pancake? Eggs?" I ask.                                                                                             "Eggs sound good."                     

Chuck sits next to me amazed. I get up and make the eggs then gently place them in front of her. She eats like a normal person and I can't believe it

"Carmen what’s going on?" Chuck asks.                                                                                     "What do you mean I'm being normal aren’t I?"                                                                                   "Yea, but why the sudden change"                                                                                               "Oh I don't know just felt like it I guess" Carmen says in a sarcastic tone ending the conversation  between them.

"Ok then.. Let’s go to the beach today" I suggest breaking the silence.                                     Carmen's eyes widen but without hesitation she declines telling us how much she hates the sand and salty air.                                                                                                                       "Swimming pool? C’mon somewhere it's fucking hot out."                                                         "How about the movies?"                                                                                                             "I can’t and you know that. So swimming pool or not?"                                                               "I don't have a bathing suit."                                                                                                         "We’ll get you one!"                                                                                                                     "But you’ve spent so much money on me already!"                                                                   "So who else am I going to spend it on Chuck? Haha."                                                                 Chuck shoots me a glare.                                                       

 "Seriously why don't you want to go?"                                                                                        "I just don't"                                                                                                                                “Ok well get ready because we're going somewhere"                                                               "Fine I’ll be in the shower."                                                                                                         "You don't think she... and that's why she doesn’t want to..?" Chuck asks me as soon as she leaves.                                                                                                                                    "Oh god I hope not."                                                                                                                   “Well we could check.."                                                                                                             “I’m not going to do that!"                                                                                                           “Just act like you need to get something out of there. I mean it’s not like you haven't seen  her naked already.                                                                                                                     ”Fine ok"                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

I walk down the hall and twist the knob...locked. I pull a bobby pin from my hair and pick the lock. I crack the door and yell “Hey Carmen I just need to grab som-" I’m interrupted by sobbing. I open the door fully and see Carmen sitting in the tub blood dripping from her arms. "Carmen!" I yell as I run towards her grabbing a towel off the rack. "Are you ok?" I pull her out of the tub and hold her in my arms.                                                                                               Crying she says "Lana why do you fucking bother? I’m am mess. You say you love me but why? Why?"                                                                                                                                  "Carmen I love you because you’re beautiful inside and out. You light up my life and I’ve never met anyone like you. You make me so happy and I just want to make you happy even if things like this happen. Its ok babe you’re going to be ok? ok? I love you."

Suddenly Chuck rushes in "The doctor called and he said he’s coming in a hour!"                   "Shit."


Hello! Thanks for waiting everyone! Ok so this is short but dont worry there will be plenty more to come now that i'm out of school. 

ps: I want to know how many people are reading each chapter so each update will have and question and you can answer in the comments. If theres alot of comment chances are the next update will come sooner! :)

First Question: What are your top 3 favorite songs off Ultraviolence?

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