Chapter 4 : Dinner

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Attention readers. These chapters will be edited and rewritten when the book comes to an end. So as you enjoy now remember to come back and reread these chapters for hopefully a more enjoyable beginning. The story will remain the same but with more details and things to make it better.Thank you.

Carmen's POV

She asked me to dinner? Am i hearing this correctly? Like i met her two minutes ago i feel like a stray dog being took home by a little kid.

" How are we getting there?" I ask. "Oh my driver will take us" she replied. " But what about my car i mean i can't leave it here it would get towed " Lana frowned and started thinking.

" Well you could just not go" Chuck said but i payed no attention to.

"Oh, i got it! You can follow us to our hotel, park there then our driver will take us to dinner and back and then you could drive home" she said excitedly.

" Sounds good but wheres your hotel?" I ask "No more then two minutes away" she replied. "Alright then, Lets go!"


The drive there was pretty scenic but not much was there besides the grass and occasional lake i saw through my headlights. I pulled up to a hotel that looked more like a motel. It confused me so much why Lana was here when there was a big nice Marriott down the street. I find a spot, pull in, and park.

I see Lana heading up a flight of stairs and follow her. When i reach the top Lana already had slipped her card through the door and walked in. I walked in to see Lana on the bed starring into the closet. She looks over and asks "Wanna help?". I nod and walk over. "Hmmm how about this light blue one?" i ask her. She smiles and says " I was thinking the exact same thing". Her smile made me smile and laugh. I felt like a psychic or a magician getting your card right. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but i still feel pretty cool.

She started walking towards the bathroom when she realized Chuck was in there. She gave me a nervous look and then started undressing. I turned my head so i didn't seem like a creep. "MhmhMhmh" i hear Lana muffle through her dress. I turn to see Lana with her dress over her head and the rest of her body totally exposed. Her body was amazing. She was so thin and fit looking, like there wasn't even an inch of fat on her. After i finished drooling i walked over to help her.

She had a couple inches on me and i could barely reach the end of the dress. I pulled and pulled but it didn't work."Try pulling yourself towards the ground while i pull up" I instructed her. It took her four tries but she managed to get her head out and fall over taking me down with her. I tried not to land on her face or somewhere that would hurt her. Doing so I ended up right on top of her almost completely naked body. Our stomachs touched as we exhaled deeply trying to calm down from the excitement. I looked at her face only to she her cheeks completely red.

I heard the door start to open. Oh great here comes Chuck. "Woahh, couldn't wait for the second date could you? haha" she said annoyingly. I got up giving her a look then helped Lana up. Lana, embarrassed, quickly threw the other dress on. "I'm going to finish getting ready" Lana said while quickly walking towards the bathroom. Great i'm stuck with Chuck now. I wonder how many annoying comments she can make in the time it takes for Lana to get ready.

I waited and waited for something rude to come out of her mouth but she never said anything. Instead, she just sat there editing photos on her Mac. I looked at my phone to see the time "9:17" ugh i hate eating so late. Lana came out shortly after i had set my phone down. " Alright, you guys ready?" she asked "Yup" i replied. "I guess" Chuck said taking her computer and walking out the door. i got up and started heading out the door.

"Wait!" Lana yelled. I turned and gave her a look to ask "what?". "Are you going to leave like that?" She paused and then added "I mean its really cold out and you're only wearing shorts and a crop top" she explained. "Well i don't have anything else to wear" i tell her. " You can borrow some of my clothes just pick anything you'd like" she said pointing to her closet. "Uh, Thanks" i replied with a smile. I picked out a white Nirvana T-shirt that was a little big on me, some dark blue skinny jeans and a black hoodie that i wore unzipped. "Wow good choice" Lana said as she giggled and walked out the door.

We got into the car and Chuck was sitting up front next to the driver. I sat next to Lana in the back and we drove off.

* * *

We pulled into a little diner called Nate's Place. We walked in and sat in a booth next to the window. I definitely wasn't sitting next chuck so i sat on the other side and motioned Lana to sit next to me. She sat down and opened a menu. " I think ill get the plate of spaghetti" Lana said thinking aloud. Without looking up from her menu Chuck replied "Lana you had spaghetti yesterday though!" "So?!" Lana said back. Chuck just rolled her eyes and continued looking.

"Hi, I'm Laurie and I'll be taking you order today. Can i start you off with some drinks?" our waitress said. "Ill take a cup of coffee please" Lana told her. "Same here" Chuck added. "And for you hun?" Laurie said looking towards me. "Just water please" i said very shyly. "Um can we order our food too while you're here?" Lana asked. "Sure thing! said Laurie. "Ok so I'll take the plate of spaghetti." "Alright and you?" Laurie said looking towards Chuck. "I'll take the Club sandwhich" Chuck replied. "And you?" Laurie said still writing on her notepad."Uh nothing for me." i said. "You sure?" She asked me. "Yea" I told her before she started walking away.

Lana looked at me but i didn't think to much of it. It was pretty quiet until Lana broke the silence by asking "So how long have you lived here?" "All my life" i reply. "Wow" she said. It was quiet again for about a minute or two until i said "If you don't mind me asking why did you come here? i mean only like 40 people came" " Oh well um" she stuttered "I had this boyfriend who lived here and then we broke up and yeah"

"Wait what's his name i probally know him i know like all 400 people who live in this town." i ask her. "Matt Bestson?" she replies. "Oh i sorta know him i dated his younger brother Jim but my best friend Charlotte dated him" i said "Treated her like shit" i add. "Yup, I guess that's his thing" she said before Laurie interrupted us by placing our food on the table. I still stared at her while she started to dig into her food. "Oh" i say as i look down at the table and sip my water.

* * * * *

Lana and Chuck both finished their food and Lana's order of chocolate cake and we started to head back. I filled with sadness knowing i would have to go home soon. I sat looking out the window think about today. I felt someone staring at me. I turn my head to see Lana looking at me intensely.

"Wha-" I was cut of by her leaning over with her hands on my face and her lips on mine. I had no idea what to do so i just kissed back. Her lips were so big and soft it was the best kiss ever. She broke the kiss and looked at me as if to say sorry and turned her head toward the window. I grab her arm and give her a reassuring look that it was ok and pull her back into another kiss. This one lasted a lot longer and was only broke by the sudden stop of the car pulling into the parking lot of the hotel.

We walk out of the car and i walk her to her room to get my clothes and keys. We walk outside to say goodbye as Chuck passes out on the bed. "Well um goodbye, i guess" i say looking toward my feet. "Uh goodbye" she nervously says. I start walking away when she yells after me "Wait come back". I turn around to see her sticking her hand out with a piece of paper " Here take this, its my number" she says. "Thanks" I reply. "Text me tomorrow Chuck won't be with me maybe we can hangout" She tells me. "Alright!" I say excitedly.

I walk into my car with a long drive home. When i finally do get home i just crash i don't change out of my clothes just pass out.


Authors Note

Hey thanks for reading everyone hope this chapter was a lot better! You guys can look for when i think the update will be up next on my message board!

Vote! Comment! or whatever you wanna do just thanks for reading :)

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