Chapter 12 : Cheer up, Buttercup

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I woke up, alone, still on the couch. A thick pink blanket replaced the arms of Lana who was yet to be seen. In the distance I heard someone trying to make coffee. "Ugh, What the fuck I just want coffee!" shouted an obvious non-morning person Chuck. This was the first time I've heard her in 12 hours. I wondered where Lana had gone. Maybe the bedroom because she didn't want to sleep on the couch or maybe the bathroom to get ready. Suddenly, the door opened and sounds of plastic bags rustled together. It was Lana. "Chuck! Help me please!" her soft voice echoed through the almost silent room. The plastic grocery bags made noise as they transferred from Lana's to Chuck's hands. "Is she awake yet?" Lana asked. "No, she should still be on the couch."  I went back to sleep not wanting to ruin whatever was going to happen.


"Carmen, Carmen. Wake up!" Lana said sweetly as she gently shook me. I pretended to be waking up for the first time. I rubbed me eyes and yawned before I asked "What?" "Get up and you'll find out." I stretched on on the couch before getting up. I could her Lana laughing at me as tried to stretch and ended up rolling onto the floor. "That's just how I get out of bed everyday" I nervously tried to cover up my fall. As I stood up I instantly regretted it. My dinner table had 5 different breakfast items neatly put around the table. "Am..Am I supposed to eat all that?" I stuttered out. Lana giggled before adding "No silly! Just eat whatever you can. Ok?" "Aright" I replied. 

I sat down at the table and began to nibble on fruit. Lana, without looking at me but picking up and folding the blanket I used earlier, yelled towards me "More than just fruit too, ok?" "Ok" I moaned. I took the plate of waffles and began to push them around. Lana came up to me with a bag a pushed it towards me. I opened it up to see a bouquet of pink tulips and roses. Along with it there was a stuffed puppy dog and a hand written card. The card read.

Dear Carmen,

I hope you realize that I love you so much. You never seem to believe me and maybe it's because I left you. But please forgive me I was PMSing. I know that's no excuse and I’m truly sorry for doing that. Please forgive me and PLEASE stay strong. Cheer up, Buttercup. :) 

Lots of Love,


 I was so confused on why Lana was doing all this for me but now I have it writing; she loves me. Reading that made my insides warm and my cheeks blush because no one should love me but Lana does. I got up and hugged her, "Thank you for all of this!" Pulling out of the hug but still holding onto me she said, "Oh, but honey there's more! Why don't you go get ready because we're going shopping!"  "Lana you don't have to!"  “ But I wanna! Carmen please just swallow your pride and let me buy you a few things. Please?"  " Ugh. Fine. I’ll go get ready.”  As I walked off I felt satisfied that Lana hadn’t noticed that I really didn’t eat much.


After an hour of Lana dragging me around the mall and various people stopping her and taking a picture she pulled me into the final store. She had a look in her eye that made me uncertain of what was going to happen next. She distracted chuck and then pulled me into a dressing room. "I've been waiting for this all day" she said in a deep tone. I began to worry about what she was going to do. She pushed me against the wall and began kissing me. Her hands ran up and down my thigh as her tongue moved around my mouth. She took me by surprise and  I didn’t know how to react. I stood there and tried my best to kiss back. But  It came to a stop when I felt Lana’s hand start to go up my skirt and kiss my collarbones . I’m not going to lie it felt good but still I felt kind of.. weird. She wanted more and she was planning to do right now no matter what. “Lana. Lana. Lana! We can’t. We’re going to get in trouble , People are going to hear us” Lana looked at me with puppy eyes “C’mon! let’s go home” I said and winked before I ran out yelling to chuck to c’mon.

We somehow managed  to get chuck out of the house and let’s just say me and Lana had a wild night. At first it was sort of weird because I had no Idea what I was doing but Lana certainly knew her way around and it made me wonder if she ever did this with Libby. But then again they were girlfriends. So does that make me Lana’s girlfriend now or what? Maybe I’ll ask her in the morning. But now I’m just  gonna have some fun and enjoy her Pepsi cola.


hey thanks for reading sorry that I’m not that great at writing "romantic" scenes. But hey maybe I’ll get better soon ;)

Carmen - Lana Del Rey FanFicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن