Chapter 3 : Backstage

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Attention readers. These chapters will be edited and rewritten when the book comes to an end. So as you enjoy now remember to come back and reread these chapters for hopefully a more enjoyable beginning. The story will remain the same but with more details and things to make it better.Thank you.

Carmen's P.O.V.

Holy shit. Is this really happening did i really just speak to Lana and am I really being escorted backstage to see her face to face and to top that actually meet her sister?! My god i really need to calm down I'm practically shaking. I hope she doesn't think I'm some super crazy fan but then again i sorta am i mean after all i did try to take a pic of an empty stage oh geez i really need to calm down she's like right there and I'm about ready to puke. Ok Carmen just breathe. In.Out.In.Out.In.Out. Ok didn't help just wanna faint now how about i tr- "Hi! I'm Lana and are you ok?" my thoughts were interrupted by her rushing to my side trying to help me stand. I don't get it I've never been this way and i feel so embarrassed like I'm just one big mess. "Um yea! I'm ok" i say with a shake to my voice.

Soon I'm greated by Chuck at my other side as they both take me backstage. "Here sit down", Chuck tells me "and drink some water." She hands me her half drank Fiji water bottle I start to waterfall it not knowing if she wanted of back.

"What are you doing?" Chuck asked.

"Drinking water like you told me to?" I questioned back. "You can have the rest you know" she replied a bit rudely. Why is everyone so cranky today seriously Lana seems to be the only calm here.

Speaking of Lana where is she? I search the room to try and find her, only to find her eyes staring back at me. She starred at me as if i were a painting with a sercret meaning that she was trying to figure out. I waved my hands to snap her out of her trance. She jumped and shook her head trying to shake her out of it and then blushed as if she were embarrassed. That about melted me, she was just so cute when she was embarrassed.

"Hmhm" Chuck fake coughed to break the silence."Sooo you want some tips or wh-" "Where are you from?" Lana said cutting Chuck off. " Um Here " i reply. "Wow didn't think anyone lived in this dump" Chuck mumbled. I turned her a quick look as if to say "Fuck off". She obviously didn't think i heard that and was shocked by my glance but not shocked enough to return one. Wow like what the hell even was her problem? I thought she would've been so nice but i guess not.

" Im sorry but i never really caught your name?" Lana asked to end the silent fighting. "Oh I'm Carmen" i replied with a hurry. "What a beautiful name"

Lana's POV

i stared at her for the longest of time. Her dirty blonde hair reached past her shoulders even though she had it up in a high pony tail. Her skin looked so golden brown and soft; and she sure did show a lot of skin with her little floral romper. Her hand came down and waved me out of my trance. I quickly shook my self out of it as my cheeks turned all rosy.

"Hmhm" Chuck coughed to break the silence. "Sooo you what some tips or wh-" "Where are you from?" i say cutting Chuck off as if i wasn't even aware that she was talking."Um here" she said with an added giggle to the end. How cute. "I'm sorry but i never caught your name" i asked her. "Oh I'm Carmen." She replied with her beautiful smile. "What a beautiful name" i say to her returning back into my trance. "So Carmen, would you um like to go to dinner with us?" i ask getting an angry look from Chuck. "Sure!" she replied.

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Thanks for reading sorry they're so short and take for ever ill get better i promise :)

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