Chapter 10 : Lana?

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-Libby Continued-

Chuck's P.O.V.

We gathered a box of Libby's stuff making sure to grab her journal and her lighter. We hurried out of her house but not before giving her dad a smack across the face as hard as we could. Lizzy's managed to leave a mark of her rings that she decided to leave on. We giggled as we ran away knowing he deserved it. When ran until we came to a bridge. Our smiles had faded and our pace had slowed down. Lizzy's eyes began to fill with tears one again and so did mine.

We set the items in the box on fire with golden lighter that had Libby's initials carved into it. Lizzy sat the now flaming box on the ledge where Libby last stood. Everything in the box represented her even the fire turning her possessions into ashes. Slowly we both held on the box and poured the contents into the river below. Since we didn't have a body to bury or to burn we used these as her ashes. A few moments of silence went by as we looked over the bridge. The quite peaceful 10 minutes were interrupted by Lizzy pulling a sharpie out of her pocket and writing on the bridge.

'Libby Lawrence · 7-13-97 · To my little queen, Didn't you know what your worth? I told you every day. I guess you didn't get it girl '

(Again the Stupid flashback movie noise )

Lana's View

I lay on the couch in between Tony's arms as he snored and slept his afternoon away. I laid there a bit uncomfortable but was too afraid to move. Boredom filled me as I watched old Friends episodes on the channel that was left on. I couldn't help but worry about Chuck and Carmen. Mostly Carmen though. I didn't mean to be such a bitch, I mean I love Carmen but she's broken and I don't think I can end up losing another person like that. A lot of people didn't know but Libby was more than just my best friend. I don't mean she was my Super Ultra Mega best friend but more of.. well ... my girlfriend and to be truthful Carmen looks quite a lot like Libby. I'm worried that my feelings are for Libby instead of Carmen. But then again I'm claiming I love two women while lying beside my boyfriend. I don't know, it's all confusing.

"Lana!" Tony said waking me from my daze, "You ok? You seem a bit out of it." "Oh, Um, Yeah!" I reassured him before standing up and releasing his hold on me' "Look, I gotta meet my manager today" "But you're on break" he questioned me. "Yeah, well a old song leaked and Gaga's mad or whatever I don't really give a fuck but he demanded me to come see him" I told him as I started to walk down the hallway to the bedroom to get ready.


I didn't really get ready that well, just threw one of my white V-necks on and a big jacket over it and topped it with my blue Hollywood hat. I drove down the road trying to remember my way back. I spoke aloud to myself as I remembered the sights along the way that I was using as my directions. "Ok, past the super market, then the post office followed by two blocks of condos, turn before the McDonald's and then stop at the little yellow house with the red beetle in the driveway."

I got out of my car still unsure of what I was doing. Why am I even here? What the hell am I going to say? 'Oh, Hey Carmen I'd like to be back in your life now' She probably hates me and I would'nt blame her either. I raised my hand to the door only to have it open before I could knock. A frantic Chuck stood in the doorway holding Carmen in her arms. "Lana?" she asked short of breath. "I.. Um..Carmen?" I confusedly mumbled out. "She passed out. We gotta go to the hospital now!" She said panic returning to her eyes. "Ok! I'll drive!" I yelled taking of to my car Chuck trailing behind.


When we arrived we were seated outside her room. I sat and waited for a good seven minutesof awkward silence hoping Chuck would explain.But she didn't. Instead she sat next to me drifting of into space and biting her nails like she always did when she was nervous.An older man i'm assuming was Carmen's doctor walked toward us and to the empty chair next to me. "Are you Lana and Chuck Grant?" he asked us. "Yes." i spoke. "Well it seems Carmen passed out from not eating anything in what were guessing to be a week."Hearing those words made my heart hurt. I was hoping Carmen was getting better.

"Also we've noticed some cuts and bruises on her arms that we believe to be self inflicted. We would like to admit her into a rehabilitation center." He continued. I didn't want her to go. She couldn't. "Please. Let her stay. We'll try to help her for a week and if we can't we will just call the place and admit her." Chuck calmly reasoned with the doctor. "I strongly recommend she goes." He replied. "Please, she is just so fragile and I think that she will think we are giving up on her." She explained. "One week...and on that final day you have to take her in for testing to see if there is any signs of getting better. Ok?" "Ok" I answered before Chuck could say anything else. "Alright, you can go see her now. But she wont be up for about ten minutes." He said before finally walking away.

I sprung from my seat and ran to the door. "Lana!" Chuck yelled after me. "What?" I yelled impatiently. "I'm going to go to her house and remove any of her blades." She said with her bag in hand. "Ok?" I asked her confused why she was still standing there. "Keys?!" She yelled. "Oh, um. Here" I said to her as I tossed them towards her and watched her dropped them. Chuck was never really a great athlete. I laugh mentally and walk through the door. My smile disappeared as I stared at the beautiful girl laying unconscious.


Chuck's P.O.V.

I hurried inside and grabbed a sandwich bag to put all of what i could find inside. I walked to the bathroom and looked in all the 'sneaky' spots and found three fairly well used blades. Next was her room were I found four blades and a bunch of bloody tissues and Band-Aid wrappers.I searched the remaining rooms and only found two more. Geez, this girl had ten blades including the one I took away. Why would you ever need that many? I took the bag and put inside my purse not wanting her to see it in the trash can. I decided to make her dinner for when she got back. I'll start her off easy with just a salad.I filed it with vegetables so I could see that she was eating and not just pushing it around. I placed in the fridge and headed back.


Lana's P.O.V.

I took a seat next to the bed and held Carmen's hand. Looking at her soft pink lips my desire to kiss them became stronger and stronger. I took the time in the hall to come to the realization that I love her.. More than a friend, and I was going to tell her. If I didn't do it now then I knew I would never. Suddenly, i felt her hand pull from mine. I look up from my daze to find a scared Carmen in the corner.

"Lana?" she asked. ""God, I didn't die I just went across town why can't anyone believe i'm here." I say unaware. "Well usually when people leave me they don't come back" She mumbled to herself. "Awh, Honey" I say placing my hand on her shoulder."No. Don't touch me." She replied her tone immediately changing. She took me by surprised and I had no ideal what to say. "What the hell?!You think you can just make me feel like complete shit about myself then come back just like that?" She yelled, "No! Now tell me why you're here or get the fuck out!" She was terrifying mad. It's like there was fire in her eyes,or hands, or raging in the background. I don't know it was just scary.

"Uh..I..well" I stumbled still in shock as I could see her getting more impatient with me by the second, "I love you! There i said it! I love you more than I could ever a best friend and I think you are quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me. I know I don't show it but-" I was cut short by Carmen kissing me intensely.

Before I could separate to take a breath and go back for seconds, I heard something hit the floor. It kind of sounded like a bag. I turn to see what had fallen. I was right, it was a bag. Chuck's bag. I looked up at her, her mouth wide open and starring at us in amazement. "Ohhh.. Hey Chuck" I said with an awkward smile and now on top of Carmen.


So Incredibly sorry this came out so late just been super busy. Anyways, Thanks for reading! I hope i'm getting better at writing this thing if not tell me what I could work on. Also, sorry if this chapter was a bit weird with all the P.O.V. changes. Lastly, tell me who you would like to see more of between Lana,Chuck and Carmen. Vote and Comment! It's greatly appreciated :)

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