Chapter 13: It's Libby

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Hey guys i'm real sorry I wasn't able to finish but here is what i have so far (unedited). Please comment suggestions in the comments section.


Lana's POV

Last night was crazy. I can’t believe I did that. I barely know Carmen and I already had sex with her. God, I need some coffee.

I roll out of bed not wanting to wake Carmen. When I walk to the dining room I see Chuck. She's doing her usual coffee drinking and photo editing morning routine. "You okay Lan?" She asks me "Huh? Oh, Yeah." I reply before interrupted by a yawn, "Just didn’t sleep well is all." I look through the cabinets to find any coffee. I found a couple of lonely K-cups in the back. A variety of them too, almost as if she had drank the rest no problem but when it came to the last one she could even look at it and through it in the back. I chose one of the darker blends and put it in the machine. "Was something keeping you up?" Chuck asked bringing back the conversation.

"Well... sort of.. In a way" I said grabbing my coffee and sitting beside her. "What do you mean?" I bit my lip before responding but soon answered with “I slept with Carmen." "What?!" “We did it! Now calm down.” “But Lana you guys aren’t even dating. Wait, are you?” “I don’t know we never talked about it,” “Well you really should” Chuck said as she got up to rinse her cup out. “There’s something else…” I announce shyly.

Her head quickly whips back at me. “What is it?” “It’s Libby..." “What about Libby?” “I couldn't stop thinking of her when we did it.” I tell her now crying, “I feel like a complete asshole” She rushes over and pulls my hands away from my eyes. “Lana you’re not!” "But I am!" I tell her. 

"You’re what?" I turn and see Carmen standing, confused, in an oversized T-shirt yawning and rubbing her eyes. “Are you ok Lana?" She asked me when she saw my tears; although, she didn’t come closer to comfort me. She had that childish sense of curiosity but also fear. She cared but was too scared to come close. So she asked from a far and showed no emotion, only received my answers. The way she acted like she could'nt care less really both pissed and threw me off. I started to feel like less of an asshole.

 "Uh.. I'm glad I'm here.. with you!" I say. "Oh,ok." she said as she gently brushed passed me and made herself a cup of tea. I was mad now. How come she couldn't have said 'me too' like a polite person or a person that said she was in love with me.

 Carmen's POV:

When I woke up I turned to my side and saw no Lana. 'I bet she's freaking out right now. Drinking coffee and wondering how she could've slept with someone, more importantly a girl, so quickly.' Sure enough, I walk out to an emotional Lana screaming "I am!". I can only assume she means whore. I ask her what she's talking about and she tells me some shit lie. I brush past her to make myself some tea. As I wait for it to be made I listen in on their whisper conversation- I mean read the newspaper. They're talking about that Libby girl again. I know they were great friends and she died  and all but c'mon.



Thanks for being so patient guys! I sort of lost motivation for this story. I'm not sure on where it's going, but I will keep writting so dont worry :) Also, I would like to thank you guys who commented such nice things on my last chapter it really made me keep going to write this chapter.

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