Chapter 1 : The Show

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Attention readers. These chapters will be edited and rewritten when the book comes to an end. So as you enjoy now remember to come back and reread these chapters for, hopefully, a more enjoyable beginning. The story will remain the same but with more details and things to make it better.Thank you.

"I can't believe im going to see Lana perform" i said while stepping out of my '62 cherry red VW bug, i've had it for a while and you gotta slam the door a little harder than normal for it to close but i love it. I looked over at that the doors then at my phone,"6:45". Probally should've came early seeing doors open at 7:00 but the show barely sold anything so didn't except much of a line. I was right, only about a line of 20 people and before you say " Only 20 people for Lana Del Rey?" this venue is really small, another reason i question why she's coming. So i stood against the wall and pulled out my phone and opened up tumblr because when your on tumblr time sure does go by fast. What seemed like a minute later i heard sercurity open up the doors, i put my phone down just in time to see someone trying to get in front of me so i stuck my foot out and tripped them. Yeah i could've just said something but i didn't feel like talking. I did one of those girly runs into the venue so i wouldn't be stopped by sercruity on the way and found that 20 people filled the room pretty quickly. I found a spot in the middle and squeezed my way up a little more. I still had and hour to kill and thought about going on tumblr but then again i didn't want people to see what i reblog. So i opened up subway surfers and started playing a round a found a lot of people were looking at me as i reacted to the character not moving the way i wanted. I looked behind me and saw the doors close. But it was only 7:15! Maybe the gaurds were keeping track of the number of people coming in. I saw the lights dimmer down and pulled out my camera. Lana walked out and looked absouletly stunning she started talking and it was just the cutest thing ever. She acted so nervous even though there was barely 40 people. She opened with "Born to die" and i snapped a pic of her as soon as she started singing.

Lana's P.O.V.

We pulled up to the venue and it was even smaller than i remembered. I only booked here because an old boyfriend used to live here and i would always come over but when i told him i was going on tour he go upset so i told him i would book a show here. We broke up a week later and i got stuck with this place. I walked in and started rehearsing wasn't long 'till the gaurd told me all 37people were here. I felt ready so i decided to start early. I walked out and heard people cheer and man did it echo. I said hi and introduced the song my mild stage fright got the best of me and i tripped over some of my words. I started singing and saw a big flash, great now im going to have to deal with that. I looked over to see who took the picture and i saw this beautiful girl looking at her camera seeing if the picture came out right. She put it up to her face again to take another one then slowly put it down making a " oops sorry" type face when she realized i was starring at her. Ugh why am i starring at her she probally thinks im rude now. I look back at her and made a face to say "its ok" and her eyes just lit up to see me react back to her. I just did a big smile at her trying not to laugh...Wait, did we just have a conversation? Am i even singing the right words? Am i even singing? i got so caught up in her beauty i lost all focus on the song and what i was even doing.

Carmen's P.O.V.

As soon as i took the pic the flash went off, shit forgot that was on atleast it turned out good. I went to take another and saw lana looking at me. Oh god, she hates me doesn't she? I made a face as if i said "sorry" then i saw her look back and do kind of a "it's ok" face. I got so excited like did we just talk through expressions? I wasn't even paying attention to the song and i guess neither was she. She said the same verse twice in a row and didn't even look as if it were a mistake. She sung 3 more songs and are eyes seemed to meet alot then during National Anthem i started singing along and white girl dancing with my eyes closed and when i opened them i saw a smiling lana starring at me. I must've startled her because she 'bout nearly messed up the whole song by choking on her words it was pretty funny and i just laughed at her. It felt as if we were almost friends.Then she started to sing one of my favorite songs, 'Carmen' and no its not my favorite because its my name... well maybe a little bit. She sung almost the whole song..starring at me! Like she knew it was my name and that it was my favorite. Ugh i really hope i get to meet her after.

Lana's P.O.V.

i started starring at her again and i just couldn't stop. She started dancing like a freak during 'National Anthem' and it cracked me up and also Messed me up! haha I started to sing 'Carmen' as my last song and decided to sing it to her i'm not sure why but i just did. She looked me in the eyes right back for the whole song. It just felt good, like when had a connection.


Tell me if you like it and if i should continue! Thanks :)

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