Chapter 20 : Whatcha ya in for?

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I just finished my last activity for the day and I'm about to go to dinner. I hadn't seen my friends all day but I kinda like it. I miss having my independence. I pick up the same meal I get on Tuesdays and head over to our table. Sam's missing and I'm a bit anxious because she's the only one I feel comfortable around.

"Hey Carmen! Where ya been?"'said Veronica. "I had a visitor." "Who?" "My girlfriend's sister." I told her "Oh yeah your 'girlfriend'" she said laughing. "I do have one." "Yeah without a name or face but a sister right?" "Yeah." I said giving her a look, "Hey can we all get together tomorrow? I wanna ask you something." "Sure. It's not like we're going anywhere." Carrie told me. "Don't be so weird." Veronica came back at me with. " I won't." 

"So what'd sis want?" "Uh she basically told me how she had OCD and was fucked up like me but her parents didn't want two messed up kids so they didn't let her get her proper help. Yet she made it out so she thinks I can too." "Wow that's crazy. So what made your girlfriend 'messed up'?" "I guess you could say she was a party girl. If you get what I mean." "Yeah I get you." Veronica said.

I went to bed thinking Sam might return after I went to sleep but it was morning now and still no Sam. I thought she'd be at breakfast too but no. "Anyone see Sam?" I ask the girls as I sit down. All shake their heads no. Becca looked up at us "Oh um I over heard  she had a bit of an accident." "Awh shit." Veronica said. "What's going on?" "I can't say anymore." Becca told me. " Carmen it's ok we'll explain in a little bit."

We walked straight to the hideout and picked up Sam's brother's box of treats. "What's going on?" "Ok so basically, Sam is only 17 so to get out of here she'd have to be checked out by the doctor that assigned her here, her dad and also your doctor. Sam hates her dad for the only reason she's told us of him being controlling but I'm sure there's other reasons. But the thing is Sam is doing great so just before the checkup comes along she stages this "I was faking it the whole time" stunt where she tries to kill herself. It never works and that's the point she wants to stay in here.Anyways she'll probably be in there for two weeks or so. But she's ok." "That's crazy." "Yep"

"So if uh you don't mind me asking why are you guys in here? 

"Um well I have OCD" said Carrie. "Ok that explains why you're so perfect." She laughed before telling me "Thanks" 

May looked out from over her book. "I actually have severe social anxiety and agoraphobia. That's why I'm always looking at a book so I don't realize where I'm actually at." "Oh wow has it gotten better since you've been here?" I ask. "I don't know have I put my book down yet?" "Oh."

"Uh. Veronica?" "Why don't you tell us why you're in here?" She asked me defensively. "Well um I didn't know really but last week my therapist says she thinks I have borderline personality disorder so.." "Ok then well I'm bipolar and a bit of a party girl. If you know what I mean." "That makes sense." "What's that's supposed to mean?" "Nothing really I can just uh.. imagine that." 

I thought I liked my independence but going to a bed in a empty room was actually more depressing than I thought. I craved being held by Lana with her long brown her falling into my face as she fell asleep. Its only but a few times I would be able to be the big spoon because Lana always insisted she liked it more. Though when I did get to hold her it was simply the best. Its like finding something so rare and being able to have it all to yourself. This wild girl so many adore and she's here in my arms. Oh how I miss her.


Hey here it is! Honestly you guys are crazy to think I would be able to update everyday. It'd literally be a sentence or two. But I'm trying to make these longer so its worth the wait. Also charted it out and give or take there's probably about 5 or 6 chapters left including an epilogue so :// but thanks for reading and all the support this story gets I appreciate all of you so much!! :)

Q: Which of Carmen's friends is your fav and why? Who do you want to hear more of?

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