Chapter 7: Not Again

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Attention readers. These chapters will be edited and rewritten when the book comes to an end. So as you enjoy now remember to come back and reread these chapters for hopefully a more enjoyable beginning. The story will remain the same but with more details and things to make it better.Thank you.

This chapter is dedicated to xBODYELECTRIC for the suggestion. Thanks! :)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A week has past since I've seen or even talked to Lana. She left to resume her tour and has completely been ignoring my calls and texts. Thoughts where starting to fill my head.       'I thought she loved me?'        ' Maybe she doesn't wanna be with someone with problems like me.'         'She was probably just being nice when she said she loved me so i could feel better '  I thought to myself.  All this thinking was driving me insane and before i knew it i had a phone in my hand with Lana's number dialed. The phone rang and rang and i began to feel hopeless until i heard a voice.

"Hello?" she said. "H-Hey Lana, Its Carmen!" I yelled through the phone due to the extreme amount of background noise. "Who?" she asked. "Carmen! You know short, blonde was with you a few weeks ago!" I explain to her.  "Oh! Heyyy Carmen" She says sounding a bit tipsy, "How's it been?" "Not really the great sinc-" my yelling was interrupted by Lana's laughter  "Stop it Charlie! You know that tickles" she said. "Uh Lana I'm gonna have to call you back" I say angrily. "Oh, ok. Bye Cameron!" she said before i hung up. 

Who the fuck is Cameron? More importantly who the fuck is Charlie? And why is he tickling her? My eyes began to fill with tears as i sat there wondering what i was going to do. 'Fuck her she's not worth my time anyways.' I thought. Who am i kidding? She's everything, beautiful,smart,funny and most of all she gave a shit at least i thought she did. 

Frustrated i got out some Vodka and drank until there was none left. I cried my eyes out thinking to myself ' Why am i such a mess? Its not even a big deal'. Suddenly a different voice came into my head, a deeper more demanding voice. A voice i haven't heard in a while and one i never wanted to hear again. "Guess whose back bitch" it said followed by a menacing laugh. "No! Please leave me alone! I'm done with you!" I yelled to myself. It laughed once more as it said 'But i'm not done with you and i never will be until you're DEAD!"

The thought scared me to death; To bad it wasn't enough to make it go away. I started crying again knowing i'll have to go through it all again. The sadness, the hunger, the cuts, the stares and mean nicknames and just fucking everything. I hate myself for letting this happen again. More so because i knew this time i wasn't going to come out alive.

The voice started laughing at me as i sat there. 'Welcome back to hell honey!'


Again sorry its short will definitely try to make the next two chapters longer and more interesting  and i hope that you will all like it! Thanks! :)

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