Chapter 28 ~ Return

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Continued Y/N P.O.V

"I thought maybe that fall would of fixed that slutty face of your." Jungho laughed loudly.

"What did you say." Taehyung clutched his fist but I held his jacket more with my shaky hands.

"Taehyung take Y/N home I'll deal with this." Yoongi cracked his knuckles.

"I don't think so, you really thought I didn't know you was going to come here." Yoongi raised a eyebrow up.

"Boys." Jungho moved back and disappear, when four boys dressed in school uniform and looked no older then Yoongi walked in front of us.

"What's going on." I asked as I hugged Taehyung side.

"Am really getting sick of this bullshit." Yoongi moved backwards until be was next to Taehyung and I.

"What do we do Yoongi." Taehyung cocked his head sidewards at Yoongi.

"What we do best." Yoongi pulled on my jacket grabbing my attention.

"I need you to run." I didn't have time to ask because Yoongi and Taehyung had already launched themselves at the boys, so I did what Yoongi took me to do and ran.

3rd Person P.O.V

"Ah fuck." Taehyung said holding his face.

"They are stronger than I thought."  Yoongi wiped the blood that was dripping from his mouth.

Although the boys they was fighting are slightly hurt, Yoongi and Taehyung were still no match for them.

"I hope Y/N is okay." Taehyung stood back up and was back to back with Yoongi.

"Why don't you ask her." The two both turned their heads to see Jungho walking forwards with a knife held to Y/N throat.

"You bastard." Taehyung tried to move closer but one of Jungho's boy got in his way.

"Let her go Jungho she has nothing to do with this." Yoongi shouted but Jungho didn't move.

"If I remember rightly didn't you get pretty beaten by one of my men before." His hand traveled down her side.

Y/N tears was uncontrollable as she was so scared she closed her eyes and squeezed them shut.

"By here wasn't it." His hand stop at her waist as two fingers circled around her area that she was stabbed.

She winced as his fingers pressed against her side.

"Don't you dare Jungho or so fucking help me I will..." Taehyung stopped as Junghos fingers pressed against Y/N's side harder causing her to yelp.

"You'll what kill me, I like to see you try." Jungho threw the knife away from Y/N throat and threw her to the floor making her land on her side. Jungho kicked Y/N against the wall as she screamed in pain.

"No one can hear you cry or scream but you brother and boyfriend, plus I have someone who wants to see you to." Jungho held Y/N in place with his foot when someone came out from a dark room.

"Jihun here as wanted to finish what he had started before but was unfortunately interrupted." Jungho moved his foot as Jihun moved closer to Y/N.

"Don't you fucking touch her." Yoongi said and moved forward but was also stop.

Y/N tried to move but was unable due to the sobbing pain in her side.

"I've missed you." Jihun said as he bent down to her level and lifted her chin up.

"I didn't miss you asshole." She said fiercely. Jihun took a piece of her hair and twirled it around his finger.

"That's no way to talk to me, I guess didn't finish my lesson well enough." He pulled her hair harshly making her whimper. 

"Now how do we talk to me." He asked and caressed her cheek.

"Go die shit face." She spat and slapped his hand away.

"Wrong." Y/N moved her hand down but Jihun caught it and dragged her in front of Taehyung and Yoongi.

"Mm I just had a plan, Jungho could you open one of the classroom doors."
Jihun flipped Y/N over on to her stomach and grabbed her leg.

"No please Jihun no let me go." Y/N begged but Jihun didn't listen.

"JIHUN YOU BASTARD?" Taehyung shouted as the door closed, the hallway was quite all that could be heard was sobs and screaming.

Yoongi looked over at something like he was waiting for something to happen.

Then the hallway went dark, the lights went off and things dropped.
The lights turned back on and the men that had Taehyung and Yoongi trapped was on the floor.

"What the.." Taehyung looked around.

"Go help Y/N I got Jungho." Taehyung didn't reply he run straight to the classroom Jihun had Y/N in and Yoongi run after Jungho.

Taehyung was in front of the classroom, he was going open it with his hand but just incase it was locked instead he kicked it open.

"Jihun you little fucker." Taehyung looked around the room and saw Y/N on top of a table unable to move. Her uniform was a mess, her shirt was unbuttoned as far as her chest and her skirt was slightly pulled down on the side.

"Get the fuck away from her." Taehyung didn't waste any time he lunged at Jihun landing punch after punch at him.

Taehyung didn't stop, Jihun was spiting blood even his nose was flowing out with it.

He finally managed to stop himself and pull away from a beaten Jihun.

"I warned you not to touch her, I would finnish you but am more concerned about my girlfriends health then you." He said and walked away from Jihun, Taehyung help Y/N up and off the table and took his jacket off then put it over her shoulders.

"I'll warn you again." He bent down to Jihun level.

"Stay the fuck away from Y/N." He got back up and went back to Y/N, picked her up bridal style and walked out.

"Just you wait Taehyung I will destroy everything you love or care for." Jihun spat the blood out of his mouth and limped out.


Taehyung got out of the build and headed towards his car.

Once they reached his car he opened the passenger door and sat her down.

"Did he hurt you?" Taehyung cupped her cheek as the worried tone sent warmth through her body, knowing that she was with Taehyung made her feel safe again.

Y/N nodded and held her side, Taehyung moved her hands and lifted the side of the shirt up to reveal a huge purple bruise around the side of her waist.

"Asshole." He muttered under his breath and careful put her shirt back down.

He stood up straight and walked to the side when Y/N grabbed his shirt.

"Please don't leave." She sobbed, seeing Y/N like this made Taehyungs heart break. See her in pain and suffering because of him made it worse.

"Shhh, it's okay am not going anywhere."  He caressed her as she painfully cried into his shoulder.

Taehyung had many things he did not tell Y/N or his friends, he thought that maybe it would pass and he could deal with it but it didn't instead people he loved and cared for are suffering. He can only do so much to make this stop.

It seem that Taehyung is hiding a few secrets too but will everyone find out from him or someone else.


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