Chapter 22 ~ Long Lost...

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3rd Person P.O.V

"Do we have to go to school?" Jungkook complained while getting ready.

"Yes we do now stop complaining and get ready." Jin fired back.

"Are you going to be ok here?" Taehyung asked Y/N while passing her a drink.

"Yeah I'll just do some cleaning and then I'll relax I promise." She smiled happily.

"You shouldn't be going anything if your still recovering." Jimin pointed out flinging his bag over his left shoulder.

"I agree with Jimin you should rest babe." Taehyung snaked his arms around Y/N neck and pecked her on the cheek making a soft pink spread around both her cheeks.

"Yah go already." Y/N waved her hand in the air.


The boys left, I picked myself up from the sofa and in to the kitchen towards the cleaning cupboard.

I opened the door to three broken mops. Namjoon. And everything else was fine, am guessing Jin locked Namjoon out.

I took a few rags and cleaning liquids before closing the door behind me.

I went upstairs into the bathroom and started cleaning the bath and sink down then cleaned the toilet down.

I went into every room and tided all the beds and any clothes on the floor was put in the washing machine.

"Almost done." I said to myself walking back downstairs. I walked into the downstairs bathroom when a sharp pain hitting the back of my head.

3rd Person P.O.V

Y/N dropped the cleaning supplies on the floor and held bother sides of her head trying to ease the pain.

- Flashback -

"Yoongi oppa." Y/N called her for older brother.

"Yes Y/N?" He looked at the little one sat on the sofa.

"Can I have a drink please." She smiled cutely at him.

"Yeah I'll be back in a minute." She nodded as her brother left the room.

Just after he left she heard voices behind her but see didn't turn.

"Oi." A boy shouted behind her but she still didn't turn.

She pushed her little body forward on the sofa and reached for the TV remote when someone grabbed her wrist.

"I was talking to you." Her eyes moved from the remote up to the tall boy holding her wrist.

"Am sorry I didn't think you was talking to me." Y/N apologized and smiled.

The boy tighten his grip on her wrist making her yelp.

"You can't have the remote." Y/N looked at him with a confused expression.

"Why?" The boy started to get angry.

"Because I said you can't." He tighten his grasp morn which would surely leave a bruise.

"But I want to watch the TV." The tall boy gritted his teeth then yanking her off the sofa by her wrist and on the floor.

Y/N yelped in pain once she landed on her butt. He let go of her wrist when two other tall boys walked up and stood by him.

"You will do as we tell you got it." Y/N didn't answer she just stared at the ground hoping for her brother to walk in and make the older boys go away.

The two tall boys who stood be side him move and stood either side Y/N.

One of the boy grabbed a chunk of her hair and yanked it making for squeal louder.

"Listen then talked to." Y/N refused to cry in front of them she wanted to look strong but the truth was she was terrified of them. Then the boy let go of her.

"Where's you stupid brother?" The other said with a angry tone.

"He's not stupid." She said quietly.

The boy in front of her bent down to her level and stared which pierced through her.

"What did you say." He asked his tone startled her making her shake in fear.

"I said he is not stupid like you." She blurted out.

"Say that again I dare you." He clutched his fist tighter.

"Your stupid." She blurted out again.
Y/N knew something bad was going to happen.

He stood back up and grabbed her again by the arm and threw her against the wall.

- End Of Flashback -

Y/N was sat against the wall in the downstairs bathroom still holding both sides of her head.

"We're home." The boys shouted and the front door slammed shut.

"Shit." Y/N whispered to herself as she crawled up the wall and back onto her feet putting the cleaning supplies up and placing them on the window sill.

"Y/N?" Yoongi called for her.

"Am in here I'll be out now." She placed the last cleaning bottle down and walked out.

"Missed us." Taehyung asked wrapping his arms around her small waist.

"Of course not." Y/N said sarcastically before tilling her head up side ways and giving Taehyung a peck on the cheek.

With Y/N slowly regaining her memories back what else will she remember.

Find out next chapter..

Byeeee 🤗😆

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Loves of love. 💓

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