"So this is where I work out. Usually Emme practices for her dance here with me at the side of the room in the wide open space" "oh she does dance?"  "Mhm! She's been doing it for 2 years. She's still not at the perfect stage of dancing of course since she's so little but she's good"

"That's good you put her in early so she could grow up to love dance"

"Yeah exactly! I thought the same thing that's why she's doing dance now. My mom did the same thing when I was younger but I stopped in high school. Things took up so much time"

"Hmm..well you're lucky you have your own gym! I stopped going since I had to pay for a membership. But now that I have a better job..."

"Orrr you could be my gym buddy if you'd like" she says leaning onto the treadmill. Then she quickly looked down then up my body. I don't know what that was supposed to mean though.



"Well..I'll think about"

"Okay" she says and starts walking out of the room and I follow her. Then she suddenly stops and I wasn't even looking so I bumped into her. "Wait- sorry" she giggles "What's there to think about?" I'm super close to her.

"Oh um- I don't know. I just- I feel like I've jumped into your life so quickly. You're treating me like we've known each other longer. I like it but it's just..I'm slow. I needa take it in slowly. I'm still not over that fact that you got me a really good job for me. You're offering so much and I have nothing to repay you..yet. I just feel bad."

"Leah..don't worry about it. Really."

I sigh and she pulls me with her upstairs to give me that tour. It's funny cause Emme just did that to Sofia. Me and Jennifer are just older versions of them.

"This is the guest room"

"This? This is bigger than my apartment!"

Jennifer laughs then I follow her to see the bathroom. Then we got to Emmes room. Her and Sofia were just playing together.

"Mommy look!"


She stands up and pulls Jennifer and I in the room to look a her toys.
"Me and Sofia are playin school"


"Yeah! She's the teacher and I'm the student"

I shake my head and look at Jennifer. "Imagine loving school" She said quietly to me "right? I hated it!" I giggled. Jennifer later stood up and she motioned her hand to go with her so I did. We got to her room and the first thing I noticed was the scent.

"It smells so good in here" "thank you! I didn't put anything though. It's just probably all the perfume and spray and shit" she giggled and I followed her. I love how she organizes her room. So simple and also aesthetic. Then I turn to my left and look at her wall and it's a picture of her in a bikini. Well there goes my breathing. I looked away quickly cause I don't know if I was supposed to see that so I'll pretend I didn't see it. It's not that big though. It's by a lot of pictures.

"Your room is so nice Jennifer!"

"Thank you!..umm I guess that's it! I'll go start on dinner now soo make yourself at home! Watch tv or something downstairs. I'll have Emme bring sofia down here." She says and walks past me out of her room. Then I walk out too and see her peeking her head through Emme's doorway and all I focus on was her ass. She must work out a lot to have all that.

Then she turns around. This is the second time I almost got caught checking her out. The first time was when she picked me and sofia up in the morning before my interview. I need to control myself before she catches me. She just looks at me and smiles before she went down stairs. "You look pretty by the way" she tells me then goes down. "Oh thank you. You do too" "thanks!" She yells from downstairs

I go to Emmes room to check on them since I'm kind of surprised Jennifer said I looked pretty, I waited for the kids to come down with me. I didn't wanna be there by myself.

"Leah!" Emme says. "Hi baby" she just smiles widely after I said that and she stands up and walks towards me. "Come on sofia lets go downstairs and watch TV" Emme says

They both run downstairs. Emme was quicker though. So quick that she fell on the last step hitting the ground.

"Shit" I whisper to myself. I was still a bit far up the stairs. I quickly went down to help her and Sofia did too but Emme was already crying so loud. Really loud.

"What happened?!" I hear Jennifer says and she squats down by me while I helped Emme get up. "I think she was too excited and fell down" I tell her. "Oh god" she says and hugs Emme "it's okay baby you're fine" she says and stands up then walks over to the couch to put her down but Emme just keeps crying super loud.

"Emme it's okay" Sofia says rubbing her back sitting next to her and Jennifer on the couch. Emme was on Jennifer's lap and buried her head into her neck.

"Here lemme see where does it hurt?" Jennifer asks her. I sit by Jennifer on the other side and see where Emme pointed at which was her knee. "See babe don't run down the stairs next time. Please. I've told you this so many times."

Emme rubs her eyes and couldn't stop crying but she was a bit more quiet now. Jennifer stands up and turns and puts Emme down between Sofia and I.

"Hold on. The food might burn I'll be back"

She left to go to the kitchen. Emme was just crying silently and sniffled a lot. I didn't know what to do so I just decided to be nice.

"Are you Okay Emme?" I ask her when I know she's not. She shakes her head no and puts her hand on her knee and looked up at the tv. I put my hand on Emme's knee and softly rubbed it. She looked down at my hand and moved her legs to go on top of my lap. "It hurts" she says quietly looking up at me  and pouts. "Wait I think you need an ice pack. I'll be back"

I say and Emme takes her legs off my lap and I go over to Jennifer in the kitchen. "Do you have an ice pack?" "Oh yea I was just about to bring it but here. The food should be done in 30"

"Okay no problem."

I come back to the couch and sit by Emme. She looks at the ice pack in my hands as I sit then she put her legs on my lap again and I put the ice pack on her knee. "So cold" she said "I know sorry but it'll help your knee get better" "thank you" She says looking up at me "of course hun" I say then look at the TV while resting my hand on the ice pack. But in the corner of my eye I noticed she kept looking at me so I looked at her. "You Okay?" "Yeah. You're pretty" she tells me with her cute voice. "aww thank you Emme. So are you." I say and she smiles a bit and looks away to the tv.

Later we were eating dinner together at the table. I sat across from Jennifer and Emme was sitting on her lap. Sofia was by me.

"You, Sofia and Emme all called me pretty today. Why is everyone saying that?" I giggle "well cause it's true! You're so pretty!" Jennifer tells me. "Yeah" Emme chimes in and I look at Sofia and she giggles. "Well thank you then." Jennifer looks and me and smiles then looks at Emme. So Jennifer called me pretty twice in a day? I'm glad we went over for dinner here.

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