Heir of Fire and Ice

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The spider backed away, looking furtively at her fire.

"Really, now, what have I done to deserve this?"

"Try to take my memories!" She made her fire dart out, too fast to see, wrapping around the spider, who screamed in agony. It was almost enough to make Elentiya feel sorry for it. She made the flames burn hotter, fuelling the roaring rage that still burned within her. The spider's skin began to bubble and blister. More - she wanted to kill it, she wanted -

Tulikipi, presumably alerted to her presence by the fire, barrelled into her, gripping Elentiya as she flew back up into the skies. She screamed in frustration. Just like that, her prey had been taken from her. Tulikipi's claws dug into her back, as if to remind her who she was. A healer. She shouldn't have done that, shouldn't have wanted to. Gods, she had really been about to - she vomited down onto the ground far below. Again and again. 

Elentiya walked into the Torre filled with shame. She shouldn't have run off so brashly, and what she had done was unforgivable. Could they see it on her? The fact that she had nearly killed something. Had enjoyed it. She made her way up to Hafiza's office, and stood outside for a moment, steeling herself. Then knocked. 

"Come in," came the muffled reply. She walked in, head bowed, eyes down. Hafiza's eyes softened. "I know that you must leave us. I deeply regret it, but that cannot be helped." Elentiya nodded. "I have assigned your patients to others, and ensured they all know that you do not lightly leave them." She paused, waiting for a reaction. With deep dread, Elentiya replied.

"I - I nearly killed someone. Something, really. I... I wanted to." Hafiza took her hands with great sadness.

"But you did not?"

"Tulikipi - my ruk - stopped me." 

"Elentiya, you were angry. I will not say that what you did was excusable, but I also know you well enough to know that you would not do such a thing and feel no regret. I will not punish you because your own regret should be punishment enough."

"Does it make me a bad healer? A bad -" Her voice dropped almost inaudibly. "Person?"

"Only you may decide that for yourself. Now go, child. There is a boat waiting."

So Elentiya turned, once more, to face Terassen.

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