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Elentiya woke at dawn, spent the day learning, and at the end of it all, dropped back into bed exhausted. She loved the life she lived here, dedicating all her time to helping others. She worked harder than the others, frequently visiting the library to learn more. Hafiza had told her to continue the self defense classes that had been taught by Yrene Towers, who was legendary here. She knew how lucky she was, to have a place to go after this. A safe home. Though, she pondered, here was almost home. She knew that she had not inherited much of the healing gift, more than Aelin, but still not much. Still, what she did have, she sought to strengthen, using fire, not water to cleanse. Anyway, as Hafiza said, wits save more lives than magic.

She had been at the Torre for six months, and had also been learning to speak the language of Antica, and was relatively pleased with her progress. So much so, in fact, that she was now permitted to help those with basic injuries who asked for help, a fact she was very proud of. She had made sure not only to do that, but to talk to everyone in the Torre, just to be on friendly terms with everyone. So far, she was tentative friends with Rikissaenie (Or Riki for short) - mostly because they were usually in the same part of the library at the same time. Riki was a year older, as she had discovered in one of their brief conversations, and from Wendlyn (But nowhere near Doranelle, thankfully). It was because of her that she wasn't staying in to study tonight; she had finally asked if Elentiya wanted to go out for a meal. It seemed rude to say no, and anyway, she wanted friends here.

It was a small restaurant, but cosy, and full of people talking and laughing. Moving silently between them, Elentiya moved to sit at the table that Riki had pulled out.

"Hello." A gasp.

"Oh sorry - I didn't see you! It must be - well you're fae, aren't you?"


"Right, but you look fae. There are lots of you in Wendlyn, so I'm used to it, but... well..."

"What? What's wrong?"

"Some of the girls are scared of you."

"But - why?" Elentiya was genuinely puzzled, but Riki pointed wordlessly at the sharp canines - longer than any human's. "Oh."

"It's not just that. It's the way you move your-" Her voice dropped to a whisper - "Magic."

"But we all have magic. Isn't that why we're here?"

"Yes, but you have the fire and ice. And you're heir to the throne of Terrasen. Don't think we haven't noticed. 'Heir of Fire and Ice'. That's what they call you."

"Oh. What can I do about it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I want to show them that I'm just Elentiya. That's what matters. Not the magic or anything else."

"Hmm... I know what we should do!" We - not you. "I go dancing on Saturday evenings. You should join us - we don't have school on Sundays, so it doesn't matter. Then everyone can meet you!"

"Thanks so much!"

"You know how you grew up in Doranelle till you were eight?"

"Yes." She knew her tone was guarded, but didn't particularly care.

"Do you speak the Old Language? You see, my father is a lord, I won't bore you with details, and basically, I've been asking to come here for years, and he only said yes when we found out you were coming, on the condition that I would practise the Old Language with you."

"So you're only talking to me because your father told you to?"

"No, Elentiya. I'm talking to you because you're clever and work really hard. I'm talking to you because of the way you look at the world - like it's new and exciting, because of the way you make the most of everything. I'm talking to you because you shine - literally. Completely without knowing it, you shine with goodness and compassion. I'm talking to you because of the way you're just so... brilliant. The way you outshine everyone else without realising it, thinking that you're completely ordinary. I'm talking to you because I like you." Riki had lent forwards so close that Elentiya could see the tears in her emerald green eyes. 

"Oh." Was all she could manage as Riki's nutmeg scent washed over her. As Riki leaned forward slightly so their lips touched for the briefest moment. Then recoiled, blinking rapidly.

"Sorry - I - sorry. I should go."

"No - wait!" But Riki was already out of the door. Elentiya's lips still tingled, her body hyper-aware of everything. She felt alive - awake. That brief, hurried kiss had made her feel... she didn't know. But she hoped Riki wouldn't ignore her now, for this. 


Stupid, stupid girl. You've gone and ruined everything. From the moment she'd seen Elentiya, she'd liked her, even before, she'd found her fascinating. That had only grown. But she'd ruined her chances, any hope of even being friends now. She couldn't believe she'd done that, she'd just anted to for so so long. And now she'd never be able to again.

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