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Yrene could heal the girl. That part was easy; though deep, the wounds had not damaged anything vital. She had lost a lot of blood, but would survive. No, it was the wounds on the inside that Yrene was worried about. The girl had always been shackled, never free. Maeve had designed the torture, chosen her  words, to break the girl. Aelin had gone from Doranelle to Mistwald, which would have been too close to Doranelle for Yrene to relax had she not seen Aelin on the battlefields. At full strength, as she was now, Maeve would be stupid to challenge her. To be honest, Yrene was a little surprised that Aelin had let Maeve live, but she supposed that it was the girl's choice. Whether or not to kill Maeve. When to. 

The girl was waking, so Yrene smiled encouragingly.

"I've healed you, but left the scars. If you want me too, I'll heal them too, but I won't if you don't want  me to. One time, I offered Aelin, your mother, and she replied that her scars were her's to keep as a reminder, and that they showed what she had survived. No - don't try to speak yet. Here, have some water. I'll get Aelin." The girl stared blankly, and Yrene remembered that she didn't speak the common tongue. She smiled again, and went to fetch Aelin.


The girl was awake. Aelin wanted to run to her, but there was that nagging voice that reminded her that she didn't even know her daughter. That her daughter might hate her. So she walked - not slowly, but not fast either. It would be fine. She couldn't let herself believe anything else. Reaching the door, she slowly pushed it open.

"Hello." She said, in an attempt at the Old Language. It was awful, but the girl smiled, acknowledging her attempt. "My name is Aelin." The girl nodded, as if she had known. "What are you called?" The girl shook her head, as if to say she had no name. Maybe she didn't. "No name?" She nodded. It was impulsive, but Aelin said, in her mangled knowledge of the Old Language, "A friend named me Elentiya. It means Spirit That Could Not Be Broken. I haven't had much use for it. But it suits you; you survived Maeve. So I name you Elentiya." It wasn't beautiful, but with her knowledge of the language, it was the best she could do.


Her mother. The girl - Elentiya's mother. She had accepted her, named her. Spirit That Could Not Be Broken. It was she loved it. It was perfect, and it was hers. Elentiya.

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