Still six days to go...

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Breathless and giddy, Elentiya landed back into the tower, and almost fell off the ruk, catching herself at the last moment, he legs stiff. Her hair had come from its braid in bits, her face red from the wind, but she was happy. Sartaq smiled in appreciation of the joy on her face.

"Do you want her?"

"What?" The word was out before she had time to think.

"She's young. Untrained. But with the way you flew, I'm willing to give her to you."

"You said she knew what she was doing!"

"She does - from instinct."

"So you're telling me that not only was this her first time making that jump, but her first time flying!"

"Well yes, with a rider. But as I said, you know how to fly. You wouldn't be harmed."

"It's not me I'm worried about!"

"Then you should definitely have her."

"I'd have no time for her."

"She would survive in Terassen, and until you return, she may remain here. Why not come early or late at night?"

"Because - oh I don't know. It just feels like a rash decision."

"Yes, but if you can't think of anymore reasons not to..." She's yours. 

"Fine. If only to get her away from you're life threatening plots."

"Name her." Name her? She hadn't been named. It was  her responsibility to do it. But what...


"What does that mean?"

"Wind Racer in the Old Language. Because she races the wind." Another smile.

"Well done." Elentiya left with the odd feeling that she had just passed some kind of test.

She decided to wear a deep shade of purple, rich and accentuated with silver embroidery around the end of the sleeves and neck. It was tight to the waist, then curved delicately out. The sleeves were loose, and came down to just after the elbow, also swooshing out like the skirt. She had spent an hour bathing in the Womb, and now refreshed, had folded the leather worn for riding away and changed. The back, though, was her favourite part. It was low enough for the entirety of her tattoo to be visible, curling around the centre of her back. Of course, they wouldn't be able to read it, but the point of it was very clear.

Her face was mostly bare, with just kohl lining her eyes, accentuating their shape. Making them stand out. Her hair, however, was anything but simple. She had left it half down, half up and had made flowers of fire that she carefully braided in. No jewellery but the necklace at the base of her throat. The Eye of Elena. Aelin had given it to her last year, and she had worn it everyday since, usually under clothing. But now it stood out, proud, with the rest of her ensemble. It was time to go.

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