Sneak Peek(maybe)

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Okay, so I've asked you guys, my readers once before if your interested in me writing the back story of Nashira, my OC and one of Helion's inner circle. This would include of course Samila(Azriel's lil' mate) Kaimuzu(I've switched his name from Kane to this), Asim and some other characters of my creation. This chapter will be a prologue to the story if you guys want to actually read it. Anyways, let me know what you think in the comments.

Nashira didn't want to get out of bed.

She was a child and she already knew of the hardships of the world. She was often tormented by her older siblings, being the youngest and a supposed "mistake". Her father took no notice of her, he was the head librarian at one of the Day Court's 1000 libraries and had much work to conduct. Besides, she was a girl, unable to reach such a position for she was destined to grow, wed, and have a family, not good for anything else.

Nashira hated how they treated her, she knows it wasn't right for her family to care more on how much knowledge you can store in your brain than for your actual well being. That's how she ended up getting so sick in the first place. During a well needed nap in the afternoon, she overslept and had woken up to rain and the night sky.

Knocks were heard from the door and someone spoke from the other side of it.

"Nashira. Are you up? It's mid morning and you haven't eaten yet."

Nashira didn't answer, not because she didn't want to but because her throat was swollen shut from her sickness. She wished she could though, it was Kapir at the door, the only one kind to her within the family. She knew he loved her as his baby sister and she loved him too.

"Nashira, you better not be ignoring me or else I'll tickle you mighty fiercely when I come in." The door opened and in came her 16 year old brother. He was grinning widely when he came in but once he saw the state she was in, he frowned.

"Ira, what happened to you? You look like your dying!" he practically shouts, but didn't since she was sick. He came closer to her bed and sat down beside her sweating form.

"Can you talk Lil River?" he asked softly, cupping her face gently.

She turned her face away from her beloved brother and spoke through the pain.

"Leave me or you'll fall ill too." Her voice was scratchy and was barely heard, but it caused her a fair amount of pain. Kapir turned her face back to him and he looked slightly mad at her.

"Your my little sister that I swore to protect I don't care if that means I fall ill alongside you, nothing can make me leave." Right after saying that, Kapir ran out the room calling for a healer to come quickly.

With all the noise Kapir made, the rest of her family soon appeared in her room. All except her father. But her mother was ungraciously there.

"Why did you fall ill Nashira, were you not told to stay inside and study, cauldron knows, you need it. Why am I even here, this place is one of disease no one from our noble family must enter! Children we are leaving and you are not to return here."

They all agreed and added some more insults to her mother's, adding salt to already deep wounds. They all evacuated the room without closing the door and she was left with a bleeding heart all alone.

Pounding was heard near the staircase.

"Nashira, I got the healer!" Kapir shouted.

She could faintly see him coming down the hall to her room, but his progress was stopped shortly after he stepped onto the level.

"Whoa there younger brother. Haven't you heard, no one from the family is allowed to enter the room. It's full of disease." Azzie, her second oldest brother said.

"Yeah, not worth you losing your life to Kapir, let us go to aid father" her third oldest brother Ramlee said.

"No, I'm going to take care of Nashira."

"We can't allow you to do that".

"Leave me be, I need to get the doctor to our sister. She's only a child this could be fatal to her" Kapir insists.

Again, Ramlee barred his way.

"What are you raving about? That room contains diseases, not a sick child" through this whole exchange the healer looked confused.

"So you are saying there is no patient for me to see?"

"No, I'm afraid my brother is still maturing and finds this prank amusing" Azzie lies to the healer.

"No, he's lying! My youngest sister is sick and they just don't want you to help her."

I clearly hear the slap that Kapir receives from Azzie, but I don't see it.

"Ramlee, take Kapir to his room for some solitude and reflection, I'm afraid he needs to learn a lesson. Good healer allow me to escort you back to the gate and please except my apologies..." I don't hear the rest as they walk down the staircase.

My eyes are leaking tears, not for the cruel act my brothers have just done, but for the pain Kapir must be in. My sobs hurt me even more and I can hardly breathe from the chocking feeling in my chest.

Soft footsteps come closer to me until I see the face of one of the servants near my face. She's Wilda, a pale faced woman from another court who came to serve us recently.

"Shh, my girl, don't let them break you. In the short time I've been here I've witnessed cruel act after cruel act put upon you. I am disgusted with this family, except for you and your dear brother. I promise you little one, I'll stay with you, forever if you'll have me." She was so earnest and sincere in her promise that I knew I gained a new ally. At least for the short while left I plan to stay here.

"Wilda I'll gladly have you, but I don't plan to stay here" I saw slowly getting through the pain.

"I'll leave one day, I swear, and become someone no one will dare mess with. And I'll never come back."

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