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The cries of a newborn boy were soon heard and everyone cleared out to give the new family some time alone.

Feyre couldn't believe that she had Rhysand back. She just held onto his hand for dear life, not wanting him to disappear.

"H-He looks b-beautiful. Feyre, thank you". Rhys says it so sad and joyfully with tears dripping down his face.

"He gets that from you" I quietly remark. I'm exhausted after all those hours of labor and I think the tranfer of power from me to Rhysand.

"I can't believe your here" I say to him, barely above a whisper.

"Me too. I don't know how or why but somehow when you fixed the cauldron I was combined into it. I could see you, like a beacon to my soul yet never actually touch you". He inhales shakily and hides his face in my lap.

I am filled with sadness at the unknown torture his existence these past months. But what brings tears to my eyes is what he really meant before.

I've finally reached you.

I brings his face up to mine and stare into his moist starlight eyes, like a raining starry sky.

"You're here now" I say and my eyes are burning with determination, "and your never leaving".

The kiss is all I've missed and wanted, filled with love, pain and joy. But it's interrupted by surprise, Cassian slamming the door open. He sees Rhys and I see him do something I've only seen once before. He cries.

While the Inner Court all reaquinte themselves, I quiet down my little boy who's been crying because he was woken up.

"Shhh, little one, Mama's got you" I coo to him. Azriel comes over and silently peers at his nephew and future High Lord. Tears fall down his cheeks causing me a great amount of shock. But my precious boy gives his emotional uncle a raw sight. His first smile.

"Wait, did my son first just smiled at you and not me" Rhysand says sounding aghast.

"Guess we know who's going to be his favourite uncle" I say.

"The little squirt" Cassian mumbles and I laugh at him.

"What's his name by the way? You know, I never heard you picking baby names during your pregnancy" Mor states.

I smile a small smile, looking at my baby boy, then to my amazing mate. I don't know why but I start to cry.

"I had been told earlier on in my pregnancy a name that could never be etched out of my mind" I say shakily. "And I never wanted it to be" I say directly looking in to Rhys's eyes.

"This little boy's name is Gillian, isn't that right lil Gil" and my little boy smiles cutely then gives a tiny sneeze.

"That's it you both have been hogging my nephew, give him to me" Nesta rudely interjects. Rhys gives her a look saying 'my kid not yours' as he takes Gil into his arms. Nesta is fuming at him when Cassian steps up to calm her before a tug of war ensues.

Rhysand at me during their interaction.

Since when have those two been a thing?

I mentally laugh and reply, Since we left them for a week on buisness and let me tell you the most surprised thing when we returned to find them kissing in the foyer was my stomach.

Rhys laughs at my words and Gil joins in with the most adorable laugh I have ever heard.

And so we all spend some much need time to bond connect to finally, fully heal. At the end of it Rhys, Gil and I return to our room. I put Gillian to sleep and set him gently on the bed, not worrying about him falling off because the bed is that big compared to him.

I turn to look for Rhys and find him not there. 

On the roof.

I winnow straight into one of the iron seats and sit there exhausted.  And it just so happened that, Rhysand was already sitting there, so I just sat in comfort on his lap. He chuckles and holds me closer to him but I hold him closer because it wasn't close enough.

"I always came when you were g-go, when you weren't here before. I always told them it was for fresh air and to think but really it was because I missed you. The stars were the only thing that reminded me of you, of how your eyes sparkled against the dark of your hair. I always put on a mask, I think my best one so far, to fool them into thinking I was okay" I laugh unhappily, but continue on. "Do you know how broken I was at the start? I actually wanted to die, but I found out about Gil and I wanted to live. I wanted to live. So I did and I'm damn happy I did. Because our people, our friends and family, because of him. But mainly for you".

"I'm sorry Feyre. I'm so proud of you Feyre. And I love you Feyre" Rhys tells me.

And now I'm finally whole. With love that will forever do one thing.


The end.

Or is it?


I'll be taking in requests from anyone and everyone and I should be able to use most of them by combining them with each other. Comment, like and enjoy. Btw, look at the first word and last word of the whole story, I'm pretty proud of what I did there.

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