Bonus chapter #2

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"Shut the hell up you prick with a deformed wingspan!".

I was filled with annoyance at none other than my mate who caused me to be in such a horrible mood. Being pregnant again is not as enjoyable as I thought it would be with my mate around. Half the time I want to kill him for surely stupid things. Right now is not an exception.

"Feyre I'm sorry but you can't only have cinnamon buns for the whole day" Rhys says.

"I do eat other things and I don't need you telling me all the time what to do. I ruled this court for months without you, while also being pregnant. Now give my bun of happiness" I demand.

Rhysand sighs and gives up, handing me my unfinished bun and sitting beside me on the sofa.

"You know you're almost half as mean as Amren when you're in the mood. But for sure meaner than Cassian after he mated" Rhys musses.

I snort at him while eating and remember those weeks of constant sass and sarcasm.


"Hey Nesta! Where are you I need to see you" yells a male voice.

A humongous growl reverberates through the House of Wind and pounding is heard.

"Why the hell do you need to see Nesta? She's not your mate, she's MINE" screams Cassian.

Everyone ram into the dining room to see Cassian pinning Rhysand to the table with his teeth bared at him. Rhysand looks shocked but tells everyone to stay where they are.

"Cassian. Did you mate with Nesta by any chance?" he asked slowly.

Cassian's breathing is unsteady, like he just fought armies. He snarls at Rhysand question and that in itself is answer enough.

"Feyre can you go get your sister for me? I don't think even a fight with him can calm him down".

She quickly went to do that, trusting the situation wouldn't change in the mean time.

When she returned nothing seemed to have changed except for becoming tenser.

"Did you try the High Lord card on him?" Feyre asked Rhys.

"Didn't want to" is all he replies.

"Cassian get the hell off your High Lord right now or I swear to the cauldron you will never get your birthday present" Nesta snaps the instant she enters the room, not being winnowed in by Feyre.

Cassian's head snaps up so fast in her direction that you could hear the sound it made. But her presence alone defused all of his tension when he walked up to her. He for sure did not recognize the threat in her earlier words.

Suddenly he snarls to the room and grabs Nesta and puts her behind him. He glares down Rhysand and Azriel and surprisingly me and Elain as well.

"Everyone turn around and don't look in their direction" I advise them.

Hey Nesta, maybe you should take him to loosen up for a while. Somewhere far from any of us. Rhysand mentally tells her.

We hear sounds of them leaving the room and once their far enough we relax. We all looked to each other and laugh at Cassian's ridiculous behavior.

End of Flashback

Little did we know this would go on for weeks. Some days we didn't see either of them. Sometimes Cassian was actually civil but one tiny comment could set him off.

"I'm not as violent as he was" I scoff.

Rhys has no time to answer as Gillian comes running in.

"Mama look! I can do a cool trick" he yells.

"Why don't you show me Gilly goo" I coo at him.

He proceeds to do a few flips and somersaults and Feyre goes raving mad with glee for her son.

Rhysand sighed and leaned back in his seat. He smiled though, admiring his family enjoying a wonderful moment.

I wouldn't change this for the world.

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