In on it

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Once Alis calmed down, I took her aside to talk to her privately.

"Before you speak, I wish you to know I am sorry you lost your mate". I smile at her slightly.

"Alis, I might have lost him but I've gained something else" I say cripticly.

She looks confused.

"I thought you didn't greed for power".

"I still don't but I can also help people if I'm someone people will listen to. But no, that's not what I'm talking about".

She seems to think a bit and I'm about to tell her when she squeals.

"Feyre your-".

"Don't say it" I warn her.

She stops looking so excited but still has a gleam in her eyes.

"While I made it for no one to hear us they might be able to read our lips" I say to her in her mind.

She nods her understanding that this information could get to our enemies.

I want you to be there to attend to me during the labour.

"How long?" is all she asks.

I hold up 5 fingers and she looks even more pleased. She must have guessed that I'm using a glamour to hide my bump.

I let down the barrier I had, letting Alis beforehand.

"My lady, I am so very thankful that you thought to visit me. I would be honored for you to meet my nephews".

I smile truly at her acting and how she layered it on a little thick.

We walk back to where we had meet in the halls and I see everyone where we left them.

"Davey, Tommy, come here" Alis says.

The two cute little boys walk up to us and look at me shyly.

"Feyre this is Daved and Thomas, my sister's sons. Daved, Thomas, this is Feyre, the one I told you about".

I then introduce Azriel and Elain to them. I'm happy at the very unformalness that is taking place. Maybe it's the children or it's the wondrous changes that have been made to Adriata.

We go on to talk with one another for a while. Her boys would tell me all that they learned or find interesting. Dave loves animals and wants to be a vet when he's older. Thomas wants to be a sailor, and work in the navy.

"I want to protect Aunty Alis now, like she did us" Thomas explains.

He was so cute Elain couldn't help but pinch his check.

I hear a cough from Azriel and look around to see the sun is high in the sky. Everyone protests us leaving so soon.

"I would love to stay but there is someone else I need to visit" I tell them.

"Who?" Tarquin asks.

"Oh, just an acquaintance".

He looks at me closely, like he knows I'm hiding something. But he just nods his head.

"You are welcome anytime to the Summer Court as our ally" he says.

I'm stunned at the offer he gives so easily, especially after all we had done.

"I trust you Feyre, you're my friend" he says.

I nod my head at him, "I'm glad to have you as one for all the centuries that will pass".

And like that, we winnow away to the Day Court to accomplish another feat.

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