Chapter 8

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"Huh? The signal just stopped." Cesare frowned, shaking his computer.

"What do you mean the signal stopped?" Lorenzo rolled his eyes. "Can't you do anything right, idiota?

"Stai zitto, both of you. For once." I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "He must have found the tracker somehow."

"Well, what are going to do now?" Cesare sighed, exasperatedly.

We sat in silence- Lorenzo methodically twirling his knife on the table and Cesare staring blankly at his laptop screen, as I absentmindedly fingered my gun.

"Let's sleep on it." I finally announced. "Let's get some training in. Burn off some steam." I stood up and stretched. "I'll meet you and the rest of the team in the gym in 10."
I focused intently on the red and white target in front of me as I deftly twirled a silver knife around my fingers. Taking in a deep breath, I smoothly drew my hand up my side, my eyes still trained on the bullseye. As I exhaled, I released the knife, hearing it whistle past my ear and hit the target dead center.

Around me I could hear the grunts and thudding of the training mats as the men sparred around the room. I prepared to grab another knife off the table when my phone began to ring.

"Um, hello? Is this Arabella?"
I quickly changed the tone of my voice. "Oh hey, Carter. How did you get my number?"
"I asked one of the girls for it," he said easily."So, I was wondering if you wanted to join us for a barbecue at our place this Saturday? We're planning on having a few friends over."
Hm. This would be a good opportunity to investigate on them.
"Of course. We wouldn't miss it," I said sweetly.
"Great!" So, Saturday 5:00 pm?
"Sounds good. We'll see you then!"

As soon as the call ended, the fake smile I had plastered on my face dropped as I turned around to face Lorenzo and Cesare.

"What do you guys think of a barbecue on Saturday?"

I'm sorry this is so short! I promise the next chapter will be longer :,) i haven't posting because I've been super busy with school and stuff but I've finished most of my testing so I should be writing more often :)

Carter played by Diego Boneta up top!

Mafia Boss UndercoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang