"You," my voice is quiet, anger building within me at the way he treats me.

I'm going to lash out...

"You thought everything would just disappear the second you left?" He asks, the evil glint in his eyes making my heart race. When he reaches his hand into his pant pocket, I flinch, and he merely chuckles at the reaction he gets from me. He withdraws his cell phone, swiping the screen open before he searches for something. A few moments later, he motions for me to come closer.

Walking the two feet toward him, I stand beside him, watching as he presses play on a video. My stomach churns, my heart ready to drop into my violent stomach when he shows me clips of what appears to be different vampires...some belonging to mama and daddies coven...somehow eluding and evading my parents. It could be in the middle of the night or clear daylight...but Marcus trips here, falls there, scratches himself on the edge of the table. He falls down the stairs, breaking his leg and arm...he slides around a sharp turn and ends up falling to the marble floor only to split his chin open.

All of this...

...none of those behind the incidents were ever caught...

...he made them all look like accidents.

My parents probably believe after a short while that Marcus is perhaps just clumsy.

When the video clippings end, my eyes remain on the black screen once he's locked it. I don't look at him when his voice surrounds me, almost an altered tone as he continues saying, "Whatever game you think you're playing...you don't know who all the players are. For a daughter of Cormac Arin...you make even worse calculations then he does when it comes to snap decisions," he pauses a moment as the hair on my arms stand on end, my breathing uneven as he continues, "you're in it for the long game...but you're now learning that whatever move you make doesn't just affect you...but those around you."

"Don't hurt him again..." my voice is weak.

"Don't defy me again..." his voice is dangerous while my heart begins to speed up when he orders, "...give me your blood. I want to see exactly what your brother was talking about...what you did this summer."

Shaking my head, I take a step back away from him. I breathe out, "You violate my blood memories...the one thing that can be kept hidden..."

"I'm going to do a lot more than violate your blood memories if you keep denying my request," it's then that I see he's going to force bite me and make it a hell of a lot more painful then before. I can't though...

...I need to stop being treated like this and stand up to him...

...even if I tell my parents, Mercury has already shown me how easy it would be for him to order Marcus or me dead. Even if they knew...they can't stop everyone...

Mercury grasps my upper arm and something triggers within me. I lash out, one of my hands drawing into a fist before I quickly punch upward and strike him right in the nose before he realizes what I've done. I hear a crack and see small blood droplets coming from one of his nostrils, my other hand quickly slamming into his forearm and loosening his hold on me. He staggers once backward, shifting my stance and setting my leg out behind him.

Mercury quickly trips back, but due to his grip remaining on my upper arm, he drags me down with him. I cry out when he suddenly throws me to the side, skidding across the grass and cracking my rib against the tree. My breathing is uneven and hard on my lungs as I gasp for regulated breaths.

Mercury's eyes are a bloody red, anger pulsating through him as he gets to his feet. Walking over to me, I try and get up on my hands and knees, one of my hands grasping at the tree bark. He hardly bats an eye when he forcefully kicks me in the stomach, my eyes widening from the strength of his blow. He doesn't just do it once either...he kicks me over and over again, tears falling down my cheeks as I can't even get a scream to surpass my lips.

His breathing is uneven when he finally stops repeatedly kicking me, holding my stomach as a very quiet cry leaves my lips. He snarls down at me, "That wasn't your brightest move," he crouches down in front of me, my eyelids blinking the tears away as he asks, "where did you learn to fight like that?"

I shake my head, holding my stomach tighter as it's hard to breathe.

He arches a brow and asks, "No? How about you tell me where you get the nerve to think you ever had a chance at overpowering me?" I remain silent, and I can tell he's losing patience as he reaches down and grasps my hair. He drags me up onto my knees as I continue to cry, telling me, "You are weak. You are worthless..." his voice trails off before he says, "...I'll show you just how powerless you are, just how stupid that little attempt at protecting yourself did for you."


💫--To Be Continued--💫

☽The Leomi Eislyn Pack☾

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