Chapter 20

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"Hi, I'm Edward," the guy, who Kiera was supposed to go on a 'date' with, said, grinning wildly.

Kiera tried to give a polite smile back, internally grimacing at him, her head looking at the bright sky outside, wondering if she could get out of this agreement and walk around the streets like the bustling crowd outside.

"I'm Kiera. It's nice to meet you," she said, before extending her hand, her palm facing the ground. In Atlantis, it was tradition that if a guy had the intention to court a girl, he had to greet her with a kiss on the back of her hand before talking to her any further.

Edward looked at her hand, raising an eyebrow, before turning it sideways and shaking it with his own hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Kiera sounds so weird though. I think your name sounds better as Kate. In fact, I'll call you that," he said, startling Kiera.

"But, Kiera..." she was cut off by him speaking rather loudly.

"Let's order now, shall we?"

Kiera nodded.

For some reason, she could definitely not see herself marrying this person in the future. He seemed too... dominating. The fact that he could change her name within five minutes of their meeting served to show that he liked things going according to him only. Kiera wasn't sure she actually wanted someone like that as King of Atlantis.

"Good. I'll have the garlic shrimp linguine and the lady will have grilled chicken salad," he told the waiter when he came to take their order.

Kiera narrowed her eyes at Edward. He hadn't even asked her about her choice. In fact, he had just ordered for her based on his own choice. Was that how men here behaved? It was horrendous. Then again, Kiera could not judge the entire gender because of the fault of just one person.

Forcing a polite smile, Kiera just sat on her seat and tried to make small talk, internally wishing that this date would end as soon as it was possible.

Throughout the entire day, Edward only talked about himself. How good he was at badminton, how well his business was doing, what was his favourite food, the entire conversation revolved around him. Not once did he bother asking Kiera about herself, except when he offered for them to go out for ice cream after lunch.

He also insisted on calling her Kate, despite her constant reminder that her name was Kiera, not Kate.

By the end of the day, Kiera was completely exhausted of dealing with Edward. She was too tired to even tell Violet how the day went. Instead, she just took a short shower, which was almost half an hour long and used up most of the hot water, and fell asleep.

The next day, however, Kiera was not lucky enough to avoid Violet's questions about the date.

"So, how did it go?" The redhead asked curiously.

Kiera could not decide if she should tell the truth or not. If she told the truth, she was scared Violet would feel hurt because Edward was her acquaintance and  it wouldn't be nice of Kiera to talk bad about him.

"It was alright. But please, I would not like to go on another date with him," Amy said, wincing as she said it.

Violet pouted before she cheered up. "I know! He is kind of an idiot sometimes. It's alright though! We still gave seven more guys that you can go out with! You have six months, right? That's more than enough time."

Kiera nodded, silently wondering how horrible her next few dates were going to be.

"But," Violet continued, "if you want things to be easier, why not just ask Derek? He knows everything anyways and he is ideal for the job," she suggested, surprising both Kiera and Derek.

"What? Me? Don't joke around, Violet! You know I have too many commitments here. How can I just leave it all and go?" Derek replied.

Violet raised an eyebrow. "Commitments? You don't have a job anymore and your father is much better now. What commitments are you talking about?"

Derek narrowed his eyes at her and glanced at Kiera. She had been silently listening to their conversation and it was apparent that she felt lost.

For some reason, Derek did not want to tell Kiera the true reason why he could not  come to Atlantis. Perhaps, he didn't trust her enough or he did not want to tell her about his problems yet.

Violet caught Derek's gaze and got the drift. "Ya, you're right. You won't be a good candidate after all. Never mind! Let's move on to the next person on the list," Violet said, trying to change the suddenly tense atmosphere.

However, even as Violet chatted on, Kiera could not go past the fact that Derek could be the person who could get her out of this mess.

Hey guys! It has been quite long, hasn't it?

Well, I hope this chapter kinda makes up for that! I have just been quite busy with school and I think it's going to get worse in this next few month. Pretty annoying, to be honest!

How are you all though? And how did you all find this chapter? Good? Bad?

Anyways, the book of today is 'Weres' by ManjariSharma4. I think it is a really cool book so you guys should definitely read it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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