Chapter 16

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A scream from the kitchen startled Kiera and she wondered if what she did was actually the right thing to do. The man in front of her, Robert, looked at her curiously.

"Who are you?" he asked and Kiera smiled nervously.

"I am Kiera," she said.

The kind lady, Mary, burst into the room, tears streaming out of her eyes. She stared at Robert with disbelief and hope, almost as though she thought she was dreaming.

"Robert!" she cried out, running to him and hugging him. Both of them clutched on to each other tightly, tears spilling on their faces.

Kiera looked at the happy reunion with a smile. Relief filled her chest and she felt proud knowing that she managed to repay Mary for giving them shelter when they needed it.

A loud chime rang across the house again, as though someone was ringing the door bell.

Mary smiled before rushing out of the room. Kiera stood at the edge of the room, trying to figure out the murmurs that were coming from the living room before three people entered the room.

Mary walked back to sit beside her husband and Christina stood near Kiera. A young man entered the room, his eyes widening as he saw Robert sitting up in the bed, ready to get up and about.

"Dad!" he cried out in surprise.

Kiera gasped softly as she realised that this was the man whose life she had saved. The man who she had developed a liking to.

She could not believe he was right in front of him. Kiera tried her best to stop herself from staring at him but it was too hard. His dark hair made her lips curl into a smile and she roamed her eyes all over his face.

She almost did not hear Mary thank her profusely for whatever she had done and gush to her son about Kiera.

The young man turned to her before his eyes widened in recognition. "You were the one who cured my dad?" he tried to confirm.

Kiera looked at Christina out of the corner of her eyes. Kiera did not want to lie and say 'no' but she knew that if she agreed to helping Robert get well, Christina would want to know how she did that. Kiera did not like hiding things but knowing that Christina did not trust her made her lose her trust on Christina too. She could not bear to tell her about the wand, especially when she knew that Christina would feel betrayed for not knowing about it before.

"No, I didn't. It was a coincidence. However, I am very happy for you all that Robert is well again," she said.

Robert smiled at her, his eyes looking at her with an odd expression, almost as though he didn't believe what she said. She smiled at him before looking out of the window. The rain had stopped and it was time that they leave. Kiera and Christina could not intrude any longer.

When Kiera said this to Mary, she shook hr head. "Nonsense! You both can't leave during such a happy time. At least, stay for dinner," she offered with hope in her eyes. Kiera could not refuse, not without feeling too much guilt for crushing the hope of the kind lady and the both of them agreed to stay for dinner.

Two hours later, Kiera found herself walking up the stairs aimlessly. She was getting worried about her goal to find a husband. It was going to be more tough than she thought. Both Christina and her did not have a shelter to live under or food to eat.

Once they left the house they were in, Kiera had no idea where they would go. They knew no one and the people on the streets did not seem friendly enough to invite them to their houses. Not to mention, she did not think anyone would agree to marry her.

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