Chapter 14

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A drop of water splattered on Kiera's nose. Her eyes blinked and she frowned. Touching her nose with her index finger and wiping the water off, she muttered, "What was that?"

Another drop fell on her cheek. Craning her head towards the sky, her eyes widened as she saw hundreds of droplets falling to the ground. Her eyes widened and she groaned.

"Why? Why does this always happen?" she cried out loud, running for shelter as humongous drops of water poured on them.

The building was nearby and Kiera and Christina rushed into it. The security guard narrowed his eyes at them. He clearly remembered throwing them out and seeing them crawl back into the hotel with no shame made him scoff in disbelief.

"You two cannot stay here," he stated clearly once he had approached them.

Christina shivered in her soaked dress. "Please, Sir. We just need the shelter while it rains. We would leave as soon as it's over, royal promise," she said, before realising her mistake at the man's confused face, "I mean, pinky promise! That was a slip of tongue. I did not mean it. I mean, we are not royalty, obviously. Right?" she corrected, her failing attempt making Kiera shake her head in order to hide her split-second panic and the laughter that was threatening to bubble out of her throat.

"I don't care where you are from or what you do. Just get out!!" the man said, making both the ladies scowl. Once he realised that they were not going to budge, he got the other men guarding the door to kick them out.

Kiera could've sworn that she heard someone say, "I think you are being too cruel," but the crazy man was bent on making them get out of the hotel. Finally, with great resistance, they were out of the hotel, the rain pouring on them with more force than ever.

A cold wind blew past them and both the girls shivered in their wet dresses. They were an awful sight to see, with their dresses soaked through all its layers, their hairs being a wet mess and their bare feet caked with wet mud and tar.

Kiera had no idea how the both of them lost their shoes. As far as she remembered, they had their shoes when they decided to go to the building. Maybe getting kicked out of the building the very first time had resulted in them unconsciously losing the comfort of their shoes.

Kiera shook her head. Why did she always get so interested in the smallest matters? For now, what was important was not her shoes. Instead, it was to find shelter.

A row of houses seemed to appear nearer and nearer as Kiera and Christina rushed along the pavement, bumping into countless people holding umbrellas to cover themselves from the rain. Oh, Kiera would have done anything to have an umbrella over her head at that moment!

Smiling as they got closer to a double-storey house, Kiera ran towards the steps leading to the house. A relieved sigh escaped her as she climbed up those steps, before knocking on the front door of the house, Christina right behind her. They were both soaking wet but, at least, they were no longer under the crying sky. Instead, they were sheltered by the porch hanging over them.

The front door opened and a plump woman with a plate of cookies in her hand appeared. She looked at them, taking in their messy appearance and hopeful grins.

Kiera smiled. "Good afternoon. We are sorry for intruding but it has been raining and we are searching for shelter. Could we take refuge in your house for the time being? We will leave once the rain stops," she said, her voice filled with warmth and hope.

Shocked by the unexpected visitors, the woman moved away from the door and opened it widely, leading the two girls in and closing it behind them.

Sorry if this chapter was a bit late!

I was participating in an open house yesterday and we put up booths for the kids who would join our school after the holidays. We were basically telling them about the things that the school has to offer and if they like anything, they could join it!

It was really fun but it was quite tiring and since I had already started writing a chapter for The Shy Beta, I tried to finish it up before moving on to this chapter and completing it today! Sorry about the delay!

Anyways, did you notice the change in covers? SomewhatCivilized made that beautiful cover that is now the book's latest cover! I still can't believe that she did made an amazing thing for me!! Thank you so much!! You all should check her out!

The book for today is 'Colors' by warningsigns. It is truly beautiful and you should read it! It would touch your heart!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share this book if you have liked it till now!

Thank you for reading! :)

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