Chapter 11

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Kiera took in a deep breath. Calm down, she told herself, just calm down.  Her blood was boiling and the anger was still fresh from the way the guard had thrown them out of the building.

Granted, they had not paid for the food they were eating but it was not their fault that they did not see the sign 'Pay before you eat' or that they did not have the money to pay.

Kiera sighed. She was being angry for no reason. It was indeed their fault that they were kicked out of the building. Maybe they should not have given in to their hunger. No one else had been eating so why did they even think of touching the food. It could have been poisonous or dangerous to them.

She looked at Christina. Her fallen face made Kiera feel even more miserable. Kiera lightly touched her arm.

"Are you alright?" she asked softly, still feeling quite insulted after what happened.

Christina nodded before sighing. "I am fine. It's just... I just... I am hungry. And I wanted that food. But that man didn't let us even eat it. He was so cruel," she said, stomping her feet like a child, "and I feel so hungry and I feel so bad because I should not be complaining. I mean, when I was younger, we did have some days when we could not afford meals but since I came to the castle, life was different. We could eat every meal and we were never hungry. But now it feels like how it was when I was a child again, sad and angry because people care more about their stupid money than helping their fellow people by giving them food."

Kiera stared at Christina with surprise. She did not know that Christina had gone through such rough times when she was younger. Kiera had never been allowed to go near the areas that were inhabited by poor people. They were always considered dangerous and the members of the royal family could not allow any kind of danger to fall on them.

She could not believe that people never bothered helping the poor. She had always heard all the Dukes and Lords boast about how much money they donated to the poor, how much food they bought for the poor. Had that all been a lie?

Kiera frowned. Hearing Christina's story was like a slap on her face to being her into reality. When she became queen, she had to help the poor, even if it was the last thing she would do.

Kiera sympathetically placed a hand on Christina's arm. "I am sorry to hear you go through such tough times. Don't worry, we will have a full stomach today," she promised, making Christina smile happily.

Kiera closed her eyes. What she was going to do was horrible and completely wrong but Christina's innocent and hungry face flashed in her mind. She had to do it. There was no other choice.

Kiera looked around her. People continued to walk past them, some sending them a strange look, some completely ignoring them. As Kiera looked around for the perfect victim, her eyes once again spotted the man she had saved.

He had not seen her and Kiera quickly turned her head. She could not loose focus. She needed to find her prey first. After all, their hunger was getting worse by every passing minute.

Kiera smiled as she saw a red-headed woman walking towards them. Her head was bowed and she looked as though she was lost in a faraway land of dreams. A smile graced Kiera's face when she saw the edge of a wallet sticking out from her victim's pocket.

Kiera waited. Every step felt like an entire lifetime. As her victim got closer, Kiera braced herself. She continued to convince herself that she was doing this for Christina and her sake. She needed to fulfill her promise.

The moment the girl passed by Kiera, she quickly grabbed her victim's wallet and slipped it into a secret pocket of her own dress. Guilt washed over her but she turned around to Christina with a smile, who was looking at her like she had murdered someone.

Kiera felt even more guilty, especially when she grabbed Christina's arm and said, "Let's go," without taking a single glance back at her victim, who was still oblivious to the robbery that had just happened to her. 

How was this chapter? What Kiera did was something that you all might have never expected right? Well, neither did I.

The book for today is '27 Trials' by SomewhatCivilized. It is an amazing book and despite it not having so many chapters yet, you can already get hooked onto it! Check it out!!

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