Chapter 6

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Kiera groaned as loud music boomed from all around her. This was a horrible way to wake up. How could someone play music while she was asleep? She was a princess and princesses needed their beauty sleep. Peaceful, beauty sleep.

If she was in the palace, no one would have dared to play loud music and disturb her. The palace! Kiera shot up with a start and her eyes opened wide. She was no longer in the palace. In fact, she was lying on the sand, which honestly made for a horrible bed, with lanterns hanging nearby and loud music blaring. It was still nighttime.

The sky was dark, the stars shining bright and people in weird clothing walked around with red cups in their hands. What was happening here? Was she dead?

Kiera grimaced as she saw a girl her age, who was revealing far too much of her skin, throw her drink on the face of a boy before slapping him and walking away.

Kiera rubbed her eyes. She was surely dreaming. This kind of things did not happen in real life. Or at least real life in Atlantis. Slowly, Kiera got to her feet, stumbling a bit as she tried to regain the feeling in her legs.

Walking to the nearest person that wasn't stumbling on its feet or mumbling incoherent words, Kiera asked, "Hello, sir. Would you mind telling me where we are?"

The man looked at Kiera, from head to toe, before answering, "Where are you from? Hundred years ago? Who calls anyone 'sir' nowadays?"

Kiera frowned. This man was incredibly ride! How could he tell her off like that? She was a princess, after all. Did it not occur to him that she could ruin his life in a minute? If they were in Atlantis, that is. Kiera wasn't even sure where they were.

Glancing over her shoulder, Kiera saw Christina still deep in her slumber. Groaning, Kiera looked at the crowd of unstable humans in front of her. Looks like she had to find out anything herself!

For the first time since they came to this place, Kiera wished that she was back in Atlantis, where chambermaids catered to her every need and she did not even need to lift a finger if she wanted to do anything.

Kiera walked to the next person she saw and as the most important yet hilarious question that was roaming in her head, "Hello, milady. I have a question."

"Are we dead?"

The woman looked at her as though she had asked the most craziest thing in the world.

"'Are we dead?'" she mocked. "Sweetie, if we were dead, do you think I will be drinking my life away, cursing my miserable fortune? No, I would be having the best time of my life."

Kiera smiled weakly. At least, that answered her first question. She still had many more in her head to ask.

"I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad day," she said.

The woman smiled, her bright red lips curling upwards. "Well, at least someone sympathises with me. The rest of those drunken fools inside," she gestured to where the crowd of the party had formed, "just give me so drinks and tell me to forget all my worries. Do I look like I'll be able to forget my worries?" she said.

Kiera frowned. "Drinks? What are these drinks?" she asked curiously.

The woman looked surprised. "You don't know? Come, sweetie, I'll show you few of my favourites. Maybe you'll like them too." She said, locking an arm with Kiera's and dragging her right into the middle of the crowd.

Few hours later, Kiera found herself telling her entire life story to the woman who she had come to know as Violet.

"So, my aunt told me one day, when we were sitting for breakfast, that I needed to get married. In six months!" she said, slurring on a few of her words.

Violet gasped loudly. "How could she?"

Kiera pouted. "And I already had a plan. My best friend would fake marry me until I become queen. But, when I visited him after that, he said no!" she said.

Violet frowned. "Horrible best friend!" she exclaimed.

Kiera shook her head. "No, Jacob is nice. Aunt Philippa threatened him. So, I came here, to search for someone who would marry me." Kiera said.

Violet frowned. "But sweetheart, how would you do that?" she said, before her eyes lit up. "Actually, you know what? I have the perfect plan."

"What is it?" Kiera asked curiously.

Violet smiled. "I am not sure about it now. But I am so tired." She said.

"Me too." Kiera said softly.

"Go to sleep. Tomorrow, we'll figure everything out." Violet said before shutting her eyes.

Kiera took a glance at her lady-in-waiting, who was still fast asleep like a baby. She frowned before laying her head down and falling asleep right in between Christina and Violet.

Hey fellow WattPadians! How did you find this chapter. Violet was introduced but other than that, it was more of a filler chapter.

Do you all like Violet though?

Anyways, the book of this chapter is 'Reading Turn Offs' by laughingintherain! It is hilarious as well as informative, and if some of you writers want to improve your writing and have a glimpse into your readers' minds and know what they hate seeing in your book, you should go check it out!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share this book if you liked it!

Thank you for reading!

(P.S. Next chapter would be up tomorrow!☺)

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