Chapter 45

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x12 

Prophecy Girl Part 1


Third Person

It was a Wednesday night at the Bronze, Willow and Xander were sitting at a table talking.

"You know how I feel about you. Its, uh, pretty obvious, isn't it? There's never been anyone else for me... but you. And we're good friends and it's time to take the next step." Xander said as Willow listened to him with a dreamy smile. "Would you, um... date me? Oh, that's good! Date me! It's terrible, right?"

"Huh?" Willow replied as she came back to earth. "Oh, no! Oh, yes, 'date me' is silly..." 

"See, what should I do is I should just start talking about the dance," Xander said as he cleared his voice. "Y'know, Aurora, Spring Fling isn't just any dance. It's a time for students to choose, um... a mate and then we can... observe their... mating rituals and tag them before migrating. Just kill me!"

"You're doing fine," Willow replied.

"Why is it so hard? I should just walk up to her and say, 'Hey, I like you. Let's go to the dance together." Xander suggested.

"Direct and to the point," Willow told him.

"I'm ready. I wanna do it now. I gotta do it now." Xand said.

"Oh, Aurora's not here. You can practice on me some more." Willow replied.

"No, no, I can't wait until tomorrow, I-I'll be thinking about it too much. Why didn't Aurora come tonight? Where are Buffy and Aurora? And what are they doing?" Xander questioned.

"Oh, you know, the usual," Willow responded.


Across the town of Sunnydale in the park, a car was parked with its windows fogged up.

"What was that?" Cordelia said as she broke off her kiss with her new boyfriend Kevin.

"What was what?" Kevin questioned.

"Someone's out there,"  Cordelia responded.

"That's silly! Who would be out there?" Kevin asked her as he pulled her into another make-out session.


Outside at the park...

Aurora POV 

Buffy and I got up and were ready to fight. The vampires growled at us as we pulled out a stake each from our jackets. We showed the vampires as he frown at the sight of it. I pulled an evil smile as my vampire launched himself at me. I hit him with a crescent kick and followed it up with a high front kick, which stunned him. I immediately plunged my stake into his heart as he fell backwards and he burst into ashes when he fell to the ground.

"Six in one night," I told Buffy as her vampire was dust.

"Giles would be so proud," Buffy replied.

We started to head home.


Back at the school in the library...

Third Person 

Giles, Kate, and Kyra were researching the prophecy that would come to date soon. Giles got up as he went to make some more tea for himself and the girls. He brought the cups to the girls as he sat down. 

"Ho korias phanaytie toutay... tay nuktee," Kate said.

"'The Master shall rise...' Yes, yes this is it!" Giles replied.

"'The Master shall rise, and the Slayers..." Kyra responded in disbelief. "My God!"

They considered on what they just read and reached for their tea as the cup began to shake. Giles looked at it curiously. A few seconds later, the whole building began to shake, and it was their first earthquake. They got up and looked around as everything began to shake. Their teacups vibrated off their tables and fell to the floor in pieces.


Across the town at the bronze, people were in panic. Xander grabbed Willow and guided her towards the stairs.

"Under the stairs! Under the stairs!" Xander said to Willow.

They got under the stairs. Willow grabbed onto a step from underneath to steady herself. Someone came rushing down the stairs who nearly stepped on her fingers. Willow yelped as she pulled her hand back.


Back at the park, Cordelia and Kevin held on as they ride out the quake.


Everyone around Sunnydale were all affected by the earthquake.


Back at the library, Giles, Kyra, and Kate came out of Giles office to see that several bookshelves had fallen. The walls and the floor were severely damaged.


Down in the Master's lair, The Master stood with his arms stretched out above him.

"Yes! YES! Shake, Earth! This is a sign! We are in the final days! My time has come! Glory! GLORY!" The Master exclaimed.

The earthquake was finally over as it quickly started.

"What did you think? 5.1?" The Master questioned as he looked over at Collin, the Anointed One.


Wolves howled as a theme song played in the background...

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Sommers-Summers

Emelia Clarke as Aurora Sommers-Gilbert

Madison Davenport as Kyra Forbes

Dakota Fanning as Kate Lockwood

Alyson Hanning as Willow Rosenberg

Nicholas Braden as Xander Harris

Anthony Stewart-Head as Rupert Giles

Guest Stars:

David Boreanaz as Angel

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