Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x03 

Witch Part 2



Aurora POV (Kate's- Dionysus, Kyra's-Hermes and Aurora's-Athena Outfit Above)

It was the next day. We were in the Kitchen when the toaster popped up before I grabbed the freshly toasted half of a bagel while Kate was pouring Orange Juice.

"Look what I found. It's my yearbook from junior year," Aunt Joyce said as she came into the kitchen. "Oh, look! There I am." She found herself.

She placed the yearbook on the island and went to grab a cup of coffee that Kyra freshly made. We all looked at the picture before I turned my attention to my journal...

Dear Diary,

Life in Sunnydale is okay. I have met nice people and met my new watcher Rupert Giles. But I already have a crush on a guy that I haven't seen since he warned us about the Harvest. His name is Angel. But he looks so familiar, I can't figure it out. I've been feeling sick lately. It could be anything. But do not worry. I'll figure it out. Have to go.

Aurora Sommers Gilbert.

I closed my journal and grabbed my bag as I turned my attention to Buffy and Aunt Joyce.

"Mom, I've accepted that you've had sex. I am not ready to know that you had Farrah hair." Buffy told Aunt Joyce.

"This is Gidget hair. Don't they teach you anything in history?" Aunt Joyce told us.

"Well, it's really cool, but we gotta book," I replied.

"Well, I was thinking. I know the cheerleading thing didn't work out... maybe you should think about joining the yearbook staff. I did, it was a lot of fun." Aunt Joyce said.

"Not really my tip, aunt Joyce," Kate replied as Buffy opened the fridge.

"I was, uh, photo editor. I got to be on every page, which made me look much more popular than I was." Aunt Joyce told us.

"And have you seen the kids that do yearbooks? Nerds pick on them." Kyra replied as she grabbed her bag while Buffy grabbed her bag as did Kate.

"Some of the best times I had in school were working on the yearbook!" Aunt Joyce said as she looked insulted.

"Oh, this just in: we're not you! We're into our own thing." Kyra told her.

"Your own thing, whatever it is, got you girls kicked out of school, and we had to move here to find a decent school that would take you girls!" Aunt Joyce replied.

We were hurt by what she said before we started to leave.

"Honey, uhhh..." Aunt Joyce said as we left, but before we left the house I could hear Aunt Joyce saying. "Uhhh! Great parenting form! Little shaky on the dismount." Before I closed the door and were off to school.


A Slight Time Skip

Third Person

In the hall at school, Cordelia past Willow and Xander in a daze.

"Cordelia, you haven't been mean to me all day. Is it something I've done?" Xander said. "Okay, see how she has no clue that I'm even a mammal, much less a human being?" He looked at Willow.

"I see that," Willow said as she took the pen from her mouth.

"This is the invisible man syndrome. A blessing in Cordelia's case. A curse in Aurora's," Xander replied.

"You're not invisible to Aurora," Willow told him as she chewed on her pen some more before they started to walk down the hall.

"It's worse! I'm just like a part of the scenery, like an old shoe. Or a rug that you walk on every day but don't even really see it." Xander replied.

"Like a pen that's all chewed up, and you know you should throw it away, but you don't, not 'cause you like it so much, more 'cause you're just used to..." Willow said.

"Will, yeah, that is the point, you don't have to drive it through my head like a railroad spike. I'm gonna take you're advice and not beat around the bush." Xander replied.

"Or I could be wrong! Maybe you should beat around the bush more." Willow said.

"Nah, I gotta be a man and ask her out. Y'know, I gotta stop giving her ID bracelets, uh, subtle innuendoes, taking Polaroids outside her bedroom window late at night, that last part is a joke to relieve the tension because here she comes." Xander replied.


Down the same hallway...

Aurora POV

Kate, Kyra and I came out of our Art classroom before we spotted and walked over to Xander and Willow.

"Okay, into battle I go. Would you ask her out for me?" We heard Xander ask.

What was that about? I saw Willow was startled before I looked over to Cordelia trying to work the combination on a locker.

"No. Man." Xander replied as he let go of Willow. "Me battle." He said to himself. Which we still heard. "Aurora! Would you like to, uh..."

"Is that even Cordelia's locker?" I questioned as we saw Cordelia give up and continued down the hall.

"Huh? Oh, I don't know. What I'm saying is accompany me Friday night..." Xander replied.

"Xander, I have to, um..." I said as I faced him before adding. "We can make this up later. You don't mind, do you?"

I gave him my book as Buffy and I follow Cordelia while I heard Xander whistling like the sound of a bomb falling and exploding before I looked back to Willow, Kate, Kyra, and Xander. Willow was still chewing on her pen before I looked back and continued down the hall with Buffy as we went back to following Cordelia.



Aurora's School Outfit

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