Chapter 19

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x06 

The Pack Part 2



Aurora POV 

The next morning, we were at school in the library. Giles and Kyra were wearing protective gear while Buffy and I were training on them. We kicked, punched to Giles and Kyra's gloved hands. We continued until they jumped back.

"Right!" Giles said as Buffy stopped short.

"That's enough training for one day." replied.

"Well, that last roundhouse was kinda sloppy. Are you sure you don't wanna do it again?" Buffy said. 

"No! No, no, that's fine. You just... run along to class." Giles said as we went to go. "while I wait to for the feeling to return to my arms." Giles said to himself.


We were coming around the corner when a small pig wearing a costume came running towards us. I picked him up.

"Lordy, Herbert! Gave Mr. Flutie quite a scare, didn't he? Students, I'd like you all to meet Herbert, our new mascot for the Sunnydale High Razorbacks." Mr. Flutie said.

We all clapped.

"He's so cute." and Buffy replied.

"He's not cute. No! He's a fierce Razorback." Mr. Flute replied as there was more clapping.

"He doesn't looked mean, Mr. Flutie." . 

"He's mean, he's ready for action! See?" Mr. Flutie said as he indicated Herbert's helmet with foam tusks. "Here are the tusks... the scary razorback!"

"You're right. He's a fine mascot ad will engender school spirit." Kyra replied. 

"Uh, he better. Costs a fortune to feed him." Mr. Futie told us. "Alright, let's get you back into your cage." To Herbert.

Herbert squealed when I tried to hand him to Mr. Flutie.

"This way." Mr. Flutie replied as he pointed behind him.

Kyra, Kate, Buffy and I followed him.


Third Person

Outside in the core, Willow was helping Xander with geometry.

"I'm not getting this." Xander said.

"It's simple, really. See, 'The bisector of a vertex is the line that divides the angle at that vertex into two equal parts.'" Willow told him.

"It's like a big blur, all these numbers and angles." Xander replied.

"It's the same stuff from last week. You had it down then." Willow said.

"Why do I need to learn this?" Xander questioned.

"'Cause otherwise you'll flunk math?" Willow replied.
"Explain the part where that's bad." Xander said as rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"You remember, you fail math, you flunk out of school, you end up being the guy at the pizza place that sweeps the floor and says, 'Hey, kids, where's the cool parties this weekend?' We've been through this." Willow said as Xander rubbed his right temple. "Do you have a headache?" As she reached up to him.

"Yeah, and I think I know what's causing it." Xander replied as he shook her off. "Ah! That's better, it goes right to the source of the pain." As he threw geometry book into the trash.

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