Chapter 37

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x10 

Nightmares Part 4 



Aurora POV 

Giles and Kyra were over by the counter as Kate and I were eating some goodies that I made last night. As the library doors opened, we turned our heads to see Willow and Xander coming in as Xander was pulling on his gym shirt.

"Red alert! Where's Buffy and Aurora?" Xander said as he didn't see me.

Kate and I walked over to the counter

"Uh, she, she just stepped out. Her, her father came by early. He, he needed to talk to her and Aurora's here." Giles replied.

"W...where are your other clothes?" Kyra questioned.

"Oh, don't I wish I had the answer to that question," Xander responded.

"Xander kinda found himself in front of our class not wearing much of anything," Willow told us.

"Expect my underwear," Xander said.

"Yeah! it was really..." Willow said as she laughed and looked at Xander. "...bad. It was a bad thing."

"'Bad thing'? I was naked. 'Bad thing' doesn't cover it." Xander replied.

"Everyone staring? I would hate to have everyone paying attention to me like that." Willow responded.

"With nudity! it's a total nightmare." Xander exclaimed.

"Well, yeah Xander! I-it's your nightmare!" Willow realized.

"Except the part with me waking up going 'its all a dream'. it happened." Xander said.

"Like it happened to Wendell. that thing with the spiders? Wendell had a recurring dream about that." Willow replied.

"I-I- dreamt that I got lost in the stacks and I... I couldn't read... of course!" Giles told us.

"Uh, our dreams are coming true?" Xander questioned.

"Dreams? That would a musical comedy version of this." Giles said.

"Nightmares, our, our nightmares are coming true." Kyra finished.

"Uh, guys?" Kate, Kyra and I said as we looked down at our hands.

"What is it?" Xander asked as he looked at the counter as it because ice, earth, and fire turned onto the counter for all of a second. "Whoa!"

"What can we do?" Willow questioned.

"Go into our bags and get our special made gloves," Kate answered.

Willow, Xander, and Giles ran to get the gloves out of our bags and handed them to us. Each of us took our turns placing our gloves on. First Kate, then Kyra and finally me as quickly as we could.

"That was our nightmare, losing control of our element powers," I told them.

"So, why is this happening?" Willow asked.

"Billy," Giles told them.

"Well, that explanation was shorter than usual,"  Xander said as he turned to Willow. "It's Billy!" as turned back towards us. "Who's Billy?"

"He's a boy in the local hospital. he was beaten. he's in a coma. somehow I think he's crossed over from the nightmare world he's trapped in." Giles replied.

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