Chapter 40

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x11 

Out of Sight, Out of Mind Part 1 


Third Person

It was morning at Sunnydale High school, Cordelia was walking through the halls with her current boyfriend and her friend Harmony.

"I just love springtime," Cordelia said. "Me and bright spring fashions!"

"Spring training."  Cordelia's boyfriend replied.

"Me at the end of school dance," Cordelia said.

"The end of school," Harmony replied.

"Definitely. My favourite time of year." Cordelia said as she giggled. "I am, of course, having my dress specially made. Off the rack gave me hives."

"Lemme guess: blue, like your eyes!" Cordelia's boyfriend said as he laughed.

"My eyes are hazel, Helen Keller," Cordelia replied with a laugh.

"You two will look so fine together in the May Queen photo." Harmony told them.

"Well, I haven't been elected May Queen yet," Cordelia responded as they reached the library doors.

Buffy came barging out. She bumped into Cordelia's boyfriend and dropped her bag, spilling the contents: a couple of stakes, a couple of crosses, a mace and other stuff.

"Uhhh! Behold, the weirdness!" Cordelia said.

"You're probably wondering what I'm doing with this stuff, huh?" Buffy questioned.

"Wow, I'm not!" Cordelia replied.

"Uh, for history class. Mr. Giles has, like, a hobby of collecting stuff... which he lent me... for show and tell. D-did I mention it's for history class?" Buffy stuttered.

"She and her godsisters are always hanging with that creepy librarian in that creepy library," Harmony said.

Cordelia and company continued down the hall.

"Hey, did I ever tell you about the time that she and her godsister Aurora attacked me? At the Bronze? I don't why this school admits mentals like her and godsisters." Cordelia said to her boyfriend.

Cordelia and her company laughed as Buffy watched them go with a depressed look on her face.



In English class, they were discussing 'The Merchant of Venice.'

"'If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?' " Ms. Miller asked as looked at the class. "Okay. So talk to me, people. How does what Shylock says here about being a Jew relate to our discussion about the anger of the outcast in society?"

"Well, how about color me totally self-involved?" Cordelia asked.

"Care to elaborate?" Ms. Miller questioned.

"Yeah. With Shylock, it's whine, whine, whine, like the whole world is about him. He acts like its justice, him getting a bound of Antonio's flesh. It's not justice, yicky." Cordelia answered.

"But has Shylock suffered? What's his place in Venice society?" Ms. Miller questioned.

"Well, everyone looked down on him," Willow said.

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