Chapter 35

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x10 

Nightmares Part 2


Back to the surface where morning has sent in... 

Aurora POV

It was morning once again, Aunt Joyce was dropping us at school today.

"You girls awfully quiet this morning," Aunt Joyce said to us.

"We didn't sleep very well," Buffy replied for us.

"I'll say. I came in to check on you all twice. You were yelling in your sleep. Do you know what you were dreaming about?" Aunt Joyce told us.

Kate, Kyra and I shook our heads.

"Not really. oh, no, my bag! I-I packed it for the weekend and I forgot it!" Buffy said as she shook her head.

"You and your dad can swing by the house and get your bag. It's not an international crisis." Aunt Joyce told her.

"Okay. yeah, I just, uh, had meant to bring it. H-he's picking me up here, right? A-at 3:30?" Buffy questioned.

One of Buffy's biggest nightmares were her dad abandoned her. 

"Honey, a-are you worried your father isn't gonna show?" Aunt Joyce questioned.

"No! n-not really. Should I be?" Buffy responded.

"Well, of course not! I-I-I just, I-I know it's a hard situation. You have to remember that your father adores you. No more than I do, by the way." Aunt Joyce told her. 

"Goodbye," Buffy, Kate, Kyra and I said with a smile.

"Have great day girls," Aunt Joyce said. "Kate, Kyra, and Aurora, I will see you when you get home."

"Thanks," We said as we got out of the car.


We walked through the halls as we were met by Willow and Xander.

"Oh, Buffy, Aurora, Kate, Kyra, we've been looking for you," Willow said.

"We have?" Xander questioned.

"Oh, about the spider, did you talk to Giles about..." Willow said.

"Oh, the spiders! Willow's been kind of, um, what's the word I'm looking for? insane about what happened yesterday." Xander replied.

"I don't like spiders, okay? their furry bodies, and their sticky webs, and what do they need all those legs for anyway? I'll tell you: for crawling across your face in the middle of the night. Ewww! How do they not ruffle you?" Willow told us.

"I'm sorry! I'm unruffled by spiders. Now, if a bunch of Nazis crawled all over my face..." Xander said.

"Mm, it was pretty intense," Kate replied.

"Thank you," Willow responded.

"Well, the Hellmouth, the center of mystical convergence, supernatural monsters: been there," Xander said.

"Little blase' there, aren't you?" Kyra replied.

"I'm not worried. if there's something bad out there we'll find, you'll slay, we'll party!" Xander told us.

"Thanks for having confidence in us," Buffy said as we entered the library.


We looked around the library to try to find Giles.  

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