Chapter Five: Sher-cock.

Start from the beginning

Jim's heart suddenly went into overload, beating rapidly, as his eyes widen. Did he say the wrong thing? Sherlock's didn't want it to be a date, right? ...No. Sherlock doesn't date. He doesn't do anything like that. There was no way that Sherlock wanted a date with that quiet awkward man from IT.

Besides, Jim doesn't want to ask him on a date!

"Thank God!" Sherlock laughs, body relaxing considerably.

Jim relaxes too, glad he hasn't upset Sherlock or hurt his feelings with his over the top version of 'no'.

Jim smiles softly. "So, Saturday?"

Sherlock nods "Sounds good, James"

Automatically, Jim grits his teeth. "My name is Jim"

Sherlock's eyes light up, recognising this version of Jim easily. He just laughs, ruffles Jim's hair (earning a huff from him) before he leaves.

Rolling his eyes at the way Sherlock hadn't even said goodbye (Rude!), Jim turns back to the computer. He sips at the coffee Sherlock brought him again, his eyes catching the writing on the side of the cup for the first time.

'James. -From Sherlock x'

Jim would have been busy pondering the kiss Sherlock had obviously made the cashier write on to the cup but he was too busy laughing once he's eyes ran over the messy, black scrawl.

Molly walks in to find Jim doubled over laughing, coughing a little too since his coffee went down the wrong hole. For a moment, she pauses and stares. Jim looked crazy... 

"Jim...?" She asks, torn between smiling and looking worried.

Jim holds the cup out, still laughing, and shows her the writing. She comes closer and reads it, a small frown on her face that is instantly wiped off and replaced with a smile when she does finally read it.

"Oh my God! He left a kiss!" Molly practically squeals.

Jim shakes his head, still not caring about that. "Look at the L"

Molly leans close, scanning the cup again. "What? It looks a bit like a C--" She stops and frowns at the giggling man. "Really, Jim?"

Jim just laughs harder. Molly rolls her eyes. What a child.

"I am so calling him Sher-cock from now on" Jim speaks, more to himself than Molly as he turns back to the computer.

Molly grabs a chair and sits beside him, smiling sweetly. Jim frowns and raises an eyebrow, isn't she meant to be in the morgue poking a dead body or something? Maybe even helping Sherlock, seeing as he was clearly here.

Jim hums. "Er.. Mols? Not to be mean but shouldn't you be kinda of, you know, working?"

She shakes her head and points to the clock on the wall. Jim looks up and sure enough, the little hands on the clock show him that it's lunch time. He hadn't even noticed the time passing. He sips at his coffee, almost bursting into a fit of giggles again before he frowns, doing his best to be serious for a moment.

"That's weird... I swear it was like ten o'clock two minutes ago..."

Molly shakes her head again and stands. "Come on"

"What?" Jim asks, blinking at her innocently.

"Don't you look at me like that, Jim. You may as well have a hand in the cookie jar"

Jim sits straight, grinning, still in a ridiculously good mood. "You have cookies?"

"Mm. I'm on the dark side. Now grab your coat and let's go have some lunch"

Before Jim knows what's happening, he's being shoved out of Bart's doors and into a booth at Cindy's. It's almost scary how bossy and demanding Molly can get. Jim feels for her future husband... or wife, Jim adds as an after thought.

She's certainly not all smiles and rainbows. No messing around with her. Jim makes a mental note to be the cool uncle type saving Molly's kids from her rein of terror. 

Jim had barely took a bite out of his pizza slice (yes, he ordered pizza for lunch. Screw the pasta diet) when Molly brought up the kiss on the coffee Sherlock had brought for him. He'd almost forgotten about that, not actually caring about the kiss. The writing was more interesting.

Sher-cock, Jim thought with a smirk.

Jim then groans and told her exactly what happened, glaring at her each time her smile widened just a little. 

By the time they were wondering back to the hospital, Molly was thinking of names for their children. Jim just went with it, joking and laughing along with her as she planned out their whole life together starting from the not-a-date on Saturday.

He wasn't really sure why he so happily went along with it. After all, Sherlock annoyed the hell out of him. Sometimes to the point Jim wanted to strangle him or throw him off building.

When Jim returned to work, ever cheerful, he checked his emails and rolled his eyes as he remembers his uncle's 'rule'. It wasn't even a date, never mind whatever was going through dear Uncle Owen's mind.

A girly squeal, which he will never admit to, escapes Jim as he reads Sebastian's reply. He logged out after reading Uncle Owen's and never got round to checking Sebastian's.

A quick scan to confirm that yes, his childhood best friend (and first boyfriend) was coming to visit him on Sunday of this week and Jim starts to reply, using far too many exclamation marks for even his own taste.

By the end of Monday, Jim was all but bouncing off the walls in his excitement.

Never had he wanted work week to end so badly.

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