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Bokuto looked very nervous. When Hisaya looked down at her phone to answer a text, Ayana tried to gesture to him to smile. Bokuto smiled worriedly. Ayana felt like this was not going too well. Suddenly, the door opened and a tall boy walked in.

"Ushiwaka!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Bokuto," the other boy replied simply. Ayana watched as Bokuto seemed to suddenly regain life and looked as if he was going to say something to him before he realised Hisaya was already there. Bokuto then smirked.

"I'm on a date," he said sly. Ayana just stared. The other boy just looked at him.

"I hope it's going well," he said. Bokuto looked as if he was using every ounce of energy to not start an argument. "It is!" he exclaimed. Bokuto resumed to eating his ice cream in a much better mood as if he was trying to make the other boy jealou.

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