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Suzumeda and Ayana walked in.

"Suzumeda-chan! Ayana-chan!" Bokuto exclaimed upon seeing them, "Is Yukie okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine," Ayana said tonelessly.

"Are you okay?" Komi asked.

"Yes, I am," she raid robotically.

"Suzumeda," Akaashi said, "What about you,"

Suzumeda looked up. She was not smiling. She was always smiling. Hinata and Lev slowly backed away.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Hinata exclaimed clutching his stomach, looking as if he was going to throw up.

"Me too!" Lev exclaimed.

Yukie walked in. Ayana and Suzumeda turned to look at her. Their hands were in their pocket. She had blood pouring from her eye.

"Ayana,! Suzumeda! Run!" Bokuto exclaimed as the volleyball team began to sprint away.

"Why?" Ayana asked as she and Suzumeda turned around revealing their eyes and mouths to also be bleeding. Bokuto and Kuroo shrieked. They ran to the door only to find they were locked. Yukie took the keys out of her pocket and tossed it in their hands.

Bokuto and Kuroo shrieked again. Tanaka and Nishinoya seemed to be trying to dig a tunnel and Lev and Hinata looked as if they had fainted.

"Wait a minute," Kageyama said as he slowly approached Ayana and Suzumeda, "That's strawberry syrup mixed with chocolate syrup,"

"Oh my God!" Bokuto exclaimed, "You're right!"

Suzumeda, Yukie and Ayana began to laugh.

"Happy valentines day!" they exclaimed.

"Was that revenge for the games yesterday?" Konoha asked Ayana.

"Haha! No," Ayana exclaimed though she was smirking again.

When the volleyball team members were getting changed, Bokuto had an idea.

"We need to take our revenge!" he exclaimed. Suddenly, everybody else in the changing room looked very ill as they began to plot their revenge.

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