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Let's play a game!" Kuroo announced. Everybody turned.

"I made us a murder mystery!" he exclaimed holding up some envelopes.

"How much time do you have on your hands?" Yaku asked.

"First, everybody get into partners," he said.

Everybody frantically rushed around trying to be partners with somebody they knew. Ayana just stood there hoping that there would be somebody left over she could be partners with. She watched as the whole of Fukorodani hurriedly partnered up and sighed in relief.

"I don't have a partner!" Bokuto exclaimed. Kuroo looked around.

"I don't think Ayana has a partner either," Kuroo said grinning.

"Yeah! Ayana chan! We'll win!" Bokuto exclaimed as he ran to Ayana. Ayana smiled.

"I feel sorry for Ayana-san," Akaashi said campy.

"Akaaaaaaagssssssssssi!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Okay, here you go," Kuroo said as he passed an envelope to each team, "It has a Valentines day theme,"

"I suggest you open them up when you're alone," Kuroo added.

"Come on, Ayana-chan!" Bokuto exclaimed as he sprinted to one of the dorms. Ayana tried to catch up with him.

"Let's open it!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Yeah," Ayana said as she tried to catch her breath.

Bokuto ripped open the envelope and him and Ayana took in the contents. They nodded and walked outside. They could see Komi and Konoha walking towards them darting their eyes to and fro and looking suspicious.

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