Chapter 14

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I walked into the room with the glass table and I saw all the boys sitting down already. I sit next to Louis and I kiss his cheek, he has no reaction, whatsoever. I just shake it off and take my sunglasses off.

"So does anyone have any questions about the packet?" Harold walked into the room.

Liam raises his hand, "Do we have control over which songs we sing on stage?"

"No, but you have control over what goes on whatever albums you put out."

I raise my hand, "When can Louis and I come out?"

"You can't. Next question."

"Why the fuck not?" I stood up.

"Because you two need to break up."


"Okay." Louis looked at his feet.

I turned to him, "Lou-"

"Harry, we shouldn't do this anymore."

"But boo.."

He stood up, "It's for the best."

I grabbed his shoulders, "No, no, it's not!" I turned to Harold, "What did you do to him?"

"I did nothing. Louis finally realized that being gay is wrong."

"I'll fucking kill you!" Zayn and Niall held me back, "I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed through my sobs.

"I dare you to try." He laughed at me.

"You can't keep us apart! Louis loves me!"

"It's not me keeping you two apart; it's Louis."

I fell to my knees, crying. I held Louis' leg and he didn't even look at me, "Boo, remember the Leeds festival, when you said you loved me, remember February 22, when you asked me to be your boyfriend. I s-still have the ring. I even got a tattoo for you, Boo, I l-love you, s-so much."

"Well, Louis doesn't love you anymore, I'm sorry, Harry." He smirked, "I'll see you all next week, goodbye."

Niall rubbed my back, "C'mon, let's go."

"No! No!" I stood up, "Louis still loves me, and I know it!" I wiped my tears off my cheeks.

Louis turned to me, "Harry, I don't love you, I never did. I'm not even gay."

"Lou, that's not the truth and you know it!"

"Harry, I've had a girlfriend this whole time. Her name is Eleanor."

Harold talked into his intercom, asking someone to send Eleanor in. A skinny brunette walked in and Louis kissed her cheek.

More tears rolled down my cheeks, "But Lou-"

"I don't love you, I never did. It was all a big joke, okay?!"

"For the last few years, you were all I could think about and once we were together, I was beyond happy. I can't believe this was all a lie, a joke. I loved you."

"Wait, you guys have known each other for years?" Liam looked confused.

"I wish we hadn't." I screamed through my sobs. I slapped him, "I'll never forgive you for this, Louis Tomlinson, I hate you." I ran out of the room and Paul took me home. He tried to console me on the drive. Paul actually understands what I'm going through.

As soon as I got to my flat, I ran to my room and locked the door. I took all of Louis' clothes and I threw them in the corner of the room, along with pictures of us together and other stupid memories.

Minutes later, there was pounding on the door.

"Harry, open up!"

"C'mon, Harry!"

"Talk to us!"

I heard so many voices I didn't know which of the boys were behind the door, I hoped to god Louis wasn't.

"I quit!" I unlocked the door and walked out of my room. I slammed my hands on the table, "I can't be in a band with him! I'm leaving!" I walked towards the door.

"No, you're not, Harry!" Liam pulled my arm back.


"You have no fucking right to call me that, anymore!" I screamed at Louis.

"Harry. Hear me out-"

"No! No! No! Why would I listen to anything you say when you've been lying to me for months? I've already heard everything you have to say! You broke my fucking heart, Louis Tomlinson. And nothing you say or do will ever fix this." Burning tears raced down my face, "Ever!" I ran back into my room.

Before I slammed the door, I threw all of Louis' stuff at him, "Have fun living with your mom, again."


"I paid for this flat. I want you off my property in 10 minutes or I'm calling the authorities." I slammed the door.


I can't believe I let Harold talk me into saying all of that stuff to Harry. He made me do it or he'd kick me out of the band. I'm so stupid. I just ruined the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't even care about being in this band if I can't be with Harry. I'm such an idiot.

My phone beeped, in my pocket, I pulled it out and listened to a voicemail from last night.

"Well, I'm about to go to bed but call me once you get this, okay? Okay, well, uh, I love you, Louis. So. Fucking. Much. And I'm sorry for whatever I did. I'm really, really sorry. I love you, boobear, good night, sleep tight."

The last time he will ever say that to me and I ignored him..

I hate myself..


I looked at myself in the mirror. Tears stained my cheeks as my eyes traveled to the ring on my hand.

I looked down at the black ring he gave me and I remembered exactly what he said to me; 'Will you, Harold Edward Styles, be my boyfriend?'

I took off the ring and threw it across the room, "Fuck you and your dumb ring!" I I started crying and I held myself, tightly.

My finger hurt, so I looked at it and there was a heart engraved in it. I ran to the other side of the room and found the ring. On the inside it had a heart and it said; 'Boobear + Hazza'

I slammed my head against the wall a couple of times, until I was dizzy. I screamed at the top of my lungs then fell on the ground. I punched the ground, "I hate you! I hate you!"

I stood up and was still dizzy. While I was tripping over my own feet, I, accidentally, slammed my head into the mirror, "Fuck you, Louis!" Glass shattered everywhere and my head started bleeding. Everything was in slow motion. I saw the door swing open and Liam run in but then everything slowly went black..

Against All Odds | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now