Chapter 10

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"What? Why?" I heard Louis talking on the other side of me, he must've thought I was asleep.

"But Harry's not gonna want to go." He paused, "No, if they just need to talk to you, I don't want Harry going.. No, you saw what happened last time."

He sighed, "Uh, fine, but you're telling him."

"Telling me what?" I rolled over.

Louis handed me the phone and I put it up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Management wants to meet with us today. Bye." Liam spoke really quickly before hanging up.

I threw his phone back to him, "I'm going."

"No, Haz, lets just say we're sick. We'll say in bed all day."

I got up and walked over to the closet, looking for my 'Love is Equal' shirt.


We walked into a recording studio and sat down on the couch.

Some guys walked in, "Hey, I'm Tom. I know who you all are, so why don't we just get started." He laughed and sat down as we took turns in the booth.

We recorded a few songs. Altogether, we're going to record like 80 songs. Only like 12 can go on the album.

We have a single going out on tomorrow called 'What Makes You Beautiful'. We always have to sing about girls but I always think of Louis.

We had a bunch of fun in the studio, that Tom guy was really cool. After a few hours at the studio, we had a meeting with management.

We sat down at the glass table, once again.

Harold walked in, soon after, "Ah, boys! How are we today?"

None of us said a word.

"Okay, straight to the point again." He sat down, "Liam, I would like you to meet Danielle." He pointed towards the door, "Your new girlfriend."

Liam stood up, "I've seen you before."

"I'm a dancer at The X Factor, I've danced with you boys before." She smiled.

"Now, Liam, I want you to tweet about Danielle. Say something about how you're going to hang out today. There's a car waiting for you two downstairs."

Liam sat back down and Danielle walked out.

Harold turned to us, again, "Niall, we've decided that you're getting braces."

Zayn raised his voice, "Niall is perfect just the way he is, he doesn't need braces!"

"Oh, and we re-watched the X Factor episodes and decided, Niall and Louis, you two are going to be mostly background voices. Liam will start most of the songs, Zayn will do the harmonies and Harry will be the front man of the band, who is a major ladies man."

"I like boys." Harry grunted.

"No, you don't."

"Fuck you."

"You stupid little boy."

I held onto Harry's shoulders so he wouldn't jump up and punch him. He glared at me.

"Your album comes out in March so you need to be in that studio a lot. You're gonna tour all of Europe starting tomorrow, actually, and ending around March. He handed us packets. They included our tour schedule, album release information.

"So we practically have no control over anything." Harry sighed.

"Pretty much." Harold smirked.

"Zayn, Liam, and Niall. You may leave now." They started to walk out the door. "Remember! The paparazzi are your friends!" They slowly left the room.

"Are we broken up yet?" Harold smiled.

Harry reached over and kissed me, passionately.

He laughed, "Oh my dear, Harry. You're so innocent, so naïve."

"What are going on about?"

"You'll see soon enough."

Against All Odds | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now