Chapter 13

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I wake up and momentarily forget where I am. I look at Louis, who's head is on my chest, and memories, from last night, come flooding back. I smile and kiss his forehead.

His eyes flutter open and he looks at me, "Hey Haz."

"Morning boo, how'd you sleep?"

I'm not gonna lie, a lot happened last night. It was the most perfect night of my life. Louis told me he was in love with me and we had some 'fun'. It was amazing.


Last night was perfect. Harry was perfect. I love him so much.

The rest of the Leeds Festival was fun. The bands were cool, the music was good, and I bought a T-shirt. We went home later that night and cuddled in our own bed.

Harry had his arm around my waist as he held me. I played with his fingers and noticed his bracelet, "You still have you Leeds bracelet on?"

"Yeah, I always want to remember it. It was amazing." He tightened his grip on my waist, making us closer.

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you, too, Louis."

And, with that, we drifted off to sleep.


We had a bunch of interviews the next few days and management told me I couldn't wear the ring Louis gave me or the Leeds bracelet, anymore. I don't understand why. They told me I had to have it off by tomorrow. They can control what I wear but not what's on my body.

"Hey Paul?" I walked over to him after our meeting with management.

"Yeah, Harry?" He turned towards me.

"Do you think you could take me to a tattoo shop?"

"Yeah, sure, what are you gonna get?"

"Just a few words on my wrist."

"Oh, okay, cool. Lets head out."

I waved goodbye to the boys and Paul drove me to the nearest tattoo shop. I asked Paul to come in with me because I feel safe with him around.

"Aye, Harry! Back so soon!" Phil, the guy who tattooed the star on my arm, looked up at me, "And you brought a friend!" He stuck his hand out to Paul, "I'm Phil."

"Phil is a family friend so he knows everything." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Paul, Harry's manager." He shook his hand.

"Woah, woah, woah! This is the guy who's keeping you and Louis apart?" He stood up.

"No, that's management, Paul's my manager." Phil sat back down. "Paul's cool."

"Sorry, mate, I'm just keepin' an eye out for this guy." Phil pointed to me.

"It's okay, I understand." Paul sat down.

I sat down in the tattoo chair.

"So, what'll it be?"

"I just want the words 'I Can't Change' on my wrist."

Phil turned on the tattoo gun, "Can do."

It only took Phil a few minutes to finish it and I loved it.

"It's amazing, thank you so much." I reached for my wallet.

"No, this one's on the house, just be good to your mother." He wrapped it up and I stood up,

"Thanks again. I'll be back soon." I walked towards the door.

"Tell everyone, I said hello."


Harry just disappeared with Paul after the meeting. I think the news struck him hard. He wasn't allowed to wear the bracelet or ring, anymore; he almost cried. I wish I had the guts to stick up for him.

Harry came racing through the door with plastic wrap on his arm, "Look!"

I looked down at his wrist, exactly where the Leeds bracelet was, were three simple words, that meant the world to me; 'I Can't Change'

"Harry, you didn't have to."

"I wanted to. You will forever be a piece of my life. I love you, Louis Tomlinson." He kissed me.


Within the next few months, we shot the music video for What Makes You Beautiful in Los Angeles. It was Zayn's first time in the states and it was fun to meet new fans. I got a few new tattoos so did Zayn.

We recorded a bunch of new songs and we put out the album, it's called Up All Night and we had another single called One Thing. And we made a music video for that, too, but in London this time.

Louis and I are still going strong and even more fans have caught on, it's so cute.

Anyways, fast forward, to September.

Harold hands us packets, once again, "You guys will be touring the USA on your UAN tour."

"UAN?" I looked up.

"Up All Night, stay with me." He rolled his eyes, "Read through your packets tonight and we shall discuss this all tomorrow. Any questions?"

We all raised our hands like we were in school.

"No questions? Alright, Goodbye."

Harold called Louis back for a minute and I waited for him.

Louis walked out of the room and I turned to him, "Wanna get something to eat before we go home?"

"No, and, um, I'm staying at my mom's tonight.. and maybe the next few nights."

"Why? Is everything okay?" I touched his arm.

He moved his arm away, "Uh, yeah, it's just the girls really miss me."

"Oh, okay. Well, do you want me to help you pack some clothes?"

"Uh, no. Paul is just gonna take me straight there, I'll get my stuff another time."

I'll get my stuff.. What the fuck is going on?

"Boo, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just peachy." He turned to Paul, "I gotta go, bye, Harry."

I tried to kiss his lips but his moved his face to make me kiss his cheek, "Okay, I'll ring you tonight."

He mumbled 'okay' as walked away.

No 'I love you', no 'Hazza' or 'Haz' or even 'babe'..

Another guy from management drives me home and it feels empty. Once I'm about lay down, I ring Louis to say goodnight.

I call him 5 times and he doesn't answer. So I decide to leave a voicemail, "Well, I'm about to go to bed but call me once you get this, okay? Okay, well, uh, I love you, Louis. So. Fucking. Much. And I'm sorry for whatever I did. I'm really, really sorry. I love you, boobear, good night, sleep tight."

I lay down in our bed and I sleep on the right side, Louis' side. And I just can't help but cry myself to sleep...

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