"I thought the nail will be a little loose. And that we will open the woman again and fix it. I never thought it will rip her heart" T

"You can't turn me in to your son, just because he threatened you that he won't talk to you again." T

"If you don't help me with that I will tell him it was your idea" T

"You are the one who brought me here to seduce him" T

"I thought I can put the blame on his cheap wife and it will cause more problems between them" T

"Yes I know that work is the most important thing for him. That is why I did it" T

"You have to help me. I don't care if he talks to you again or not. I won't go down because of this alone. I will take you with me "T

Then she hanged the phone up. RK left before T notices him. When he reached his office, he got a phone call from his mother

"Yes" RK

"Rishabh what happened?" Radha

"Some work problems. Do you need anything?" RK

"T called me today" Radha

"What does she want?" RK

"Please Rishabh don't get mad at me" Radha

"Don't tell me you will defend her" RK was very angry from his mother

"No. I won't. In fact I wanted to tell you what she said to me" Radha

"And what is that?" RK

"She intentionally loosened the nail to put the blame on Madhu" Radha

"And why are you telling me the truth now? Was not it your idea? To separate me and my wife" RK

"No Rishabh. I never thought she would go that low. After our last conversation, I called her and told her to stay away from you. But she didn't listen to me. Now she caused your patient this problem. I'm sorry son. Please forgive me" Radha

"It is ok mom. I will handle it. But please, please don't interfere in my work or my marriage again. I'm begging you" RK

"I promise you. I will never do it again. I almost ruined my relationship with you. I don't want that to happen ever" Radha

"Thank you. I have to go and see what I can do" RK

"Bye dear. I'm sorry" Radha

"Bye mom" RK

RK called his lawyer and asked him to come to the hospital to talk with him about the matter of firing Tanushree before her contract ends. And about Mrs. Kapoor's condition and what they can do if she decided to file a law suit against the hospital.

The day ended with RK dealing with this matter. When he went to his house, he was so exhausted. Madhu prepared dinner for him. He said that he didn't want to eat

"Look I know you are mad at me. But please you need to eat. It was a tough day for you" Madhu

"I'm not mad at you. Why would I be?" RK

"Because of what happened today" Madhu

"It is not your fault. Tanushree did it" RK

"What? But why?" Madhu

"She did it to put the blame on you" RK

"I'm so sorry. Because of me you both had a problem" Madhu

"What are you talking about? I told you she did it. To accuse you" RK

"If I didn't marry you. And came between you two. Nothing of that would have happened" Madhu

"Are you out of your mind? What does our marriage got to do with what happened today" RK

"T is your girlfriend. And if we hadn't gotten married you both would be together. I'm sorry" Madhu

"Are you regretting marrying me?" RK

"Yes. Because all I did is hurting you. And separate you from your love" Madhu

RK couldn't hold his laugh. First he had a long hard day and now his wife is saying nonsense

"Don't worry. You didn't separate me from anyone. I never had a girlfriend. T was only my friend during college years. She was just a friend. Nothing more" RK

"But she told me that you asked her to work with you. She told me that you don't hide anything from her. You even told her that I don't love you. And that we live in separate rooms" Madhu

"And you believed her? How could you believe I would do that? How could you believe that I will share my personal issues with anyone? I'm not that shallow to do that.

She is Kuku's niece. And she knew that from my mother. My mother's tongue slipped and she said what happened here to Tanushree. That is how she knows all that" RK

He was mad at her for not trusting him. And he didn't want to tell her that his mother was planning all that to separate them

"I didn't know that she knows your mother. I'm sorry" Madhu

"For your information. And to make it clear for the last time. I never touched any girl in my life. I respected my future wife too much to give her right to any random girl. My wife is the only one who has the right to touch me and to shiver under my touch. I respected this marriage and respected you before I even knew you.

Sure I won't do anything to scar you or this marriage after I knew you and married you. May I remind you that I told you that I will never ever love again? Not you. Sure not any other girl.

Remember that well when you trust any other person over me" RK left her and went to his room angry

Dear Diary

What have I done? I always end hurting him. I didn't trust him. I believed this ........ I didn't trust him. How could I? How could I trust him when he was only my teacher and don't trust him now and he is my husband.

I hurt him over and over and over. And he is the best man any woman could dream of. He respected my marriage and respected me before he even met me. He didn't allow any other girl to touch him. He waited for me.

And what did I do? I stabbed him in his heart. I didn't wait for him. I gave my heart to another man. In the happiest day of his life. In the day that he waited all his life. I hit him with my ugly truth. That I love another man not him.

He has all the right to hate me. I hate myself. Living with me is torturing him. Seeing my ugly face hurts him. Every word comes out of my mouth causes him pain.

Holding on to this marriage is selfish. I just care for my marriage and I don't care about his happiness. He wanted a divorce. It was the first thing that came to his mind. But his promise to support me in every decision forced him to continue with this marriage. I have to set him free. I must ask him for a divorce

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