Chapter 13 (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Dani | You doing okay after what happened at the hospital?

I'm okay.

     But was I really though? Things had been more than hectic for my mind, body, and soul recently. I didn't know where either of them stood at the moment. They all seemed to be wandering and playing around with the deep, dangerous line of depression. There had been only about three seconds before a reply from her came my way.

Dani | I was just checking and seeing how things were going on your end, that's all.

I'm good for the most part... Thanks for checking in on a nigga.

Dani | Okay, and of course. No problem.

     A sly smile beckons my face after reading her last statement. It made me feel happy that she cared for my well being. Not a single female in my life, besides my sister and mother, has checked on me since all of the incidents have occurred. Not even some of my female family members. No aunts, nieces, or anybody. If it wasn't me throwing money their way, they didn't want to talk about anything else. I could die tomorrow and they'd be the first ones to act like they gave a damn. I shake my head and finally exit out of our messages, seeing as though the brief conversation between us was practically over with now. Opening the next message thread I read it over.

Coach Ben | No practice today for you Allstar, don't even think about coming to the field. You deserve a full days rest and relaxation. Jarvis informed me everything about the recent things going on with you. Be safe, Santiago. I don't want my One Hand Catch man in a hospital too. These streets are dangerous, even for a very tough man like you.

Thanks coach, you the Real MVP. I appreciate your gratitude towards me and the mishaps going on right now. Yes, these streets are dangerous coach, I'm very aware of that.

     Coach Ben happened to be one of the people I decided to keep at bay when it came to knowing about the other life that I led. If only he knew...

Coach Ben | Very well then. I send my hopes for your loved father and best friend to recover.

Thanks. I'm sure they both will recover. Soon at that.

     Closing out of the message thread, I put my phone down and off to the side. I walk on light grey carpeted floors and go over to my large closet. Clothes from different events, brand new clothes, and clothes I regularly wear meet my eyes. I was a simple man when it came down to getting dressed for the day, a whole different story though for when I have an event or ceremony to attend. I become easily satisfied with grey sweats, a white tee, and low top Jordan shoes. I lay the outfit onto my bed and pick out my signature scent I always went for. I mentally try to make myself remember the events that transpired last night as I head back to the bathroom to take a hot shower.


P . a . r . i . e

     "PUSH! PUSH LIKE YOU AIN'T NEVER PUSHED BEFORE!" my personal trainer, Amiris Lockett, continues to yell at me as I am squatting on the grey colored walls in his owned gym. A baby blue 50 pound medicine ball felt heavier than it needed to be as it sat snug in both of my hands. I had been in the same position for the last couple minutes, hanging in there like some of these women's edges I happened to see everyday. My legs were screaming at me, very loud. Everything inside my tired body wanted to give up but the need to get back in shape like I was all of those years ago kept me going every second. I wanted this for myself so badly that I had applied for the most prestige work out program that helped burn fat fast and build my muscle back up. So far, I was just barely making it with the way things were going.

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