Chapter 1 & 2: The Siege of Lothal

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Chapter 1 & 2: The Siege of Lothal

The Ghost crew spins through space with phoenix squad two broke off, then they entered a battlefield. Hera was in the cockpit with Chopper who was in the back and Leto who was on top of Hera's head. "Making for the frater now, keep the Ties off out backs." Hera said over the comms, "Squad formation, Phoenix 2. we'll cut across their access." Phoenix 1 informs her and blasted at the Ties that were still dock. "Good shot Phoenix 1, save some for the rest of us." Ezra jokes and he fires at a Tie and misses, but then it was hit by another blaster, "Are you even trying to hit them?" Mako teases him, (Due to the fact she lost her scurry on Tarkin's star destroyer, she kept her hair down. And the other fact she has no other clothing, she with her usual clothing.)

"Phoenix to Ghost we cleared a path for you," Phoenix said over the comms, Hera looks and saw the opening. "Phew, kinda nice having Phoenix squadron watching out backs, "We always did alright on our own," Kadan states as he fires at the Ties. "True, but I prefer flying with our new friends then flying solo," Hera informs him as both Leto and Chopper jumps at the incoming Tie and saw that Hera wasn't paying attention. "Oh, you were solo?" he teases her, then both Chopper and Leto shriek, covering their eyes, Hera notices the Tie as well and she spins away from it, missing it.


Zeb stumbles as he tries to keep his balance, "I wouldn't mind getting my feet back on solid ground for a while." Zeb complains as he slowly stumbles out of the gunner room, "Come on Zeb, where's your sense of adventure?" Ezra asks him and Zeb fell over the ramp and he hit the floor with a thud. "Ezra, what that Zeb I just heard?" Mako asks him as she fires at the Ties, "Yep, right into the cargo hold." he answers, "Where's his sense of adventure?" she questions and Ezra smirks. "I know right, no sense at all," he mutters.

Chopper uncovers his eyes as Leto peeks out and saw that they were safe, "Phantom, I'm moving into position!" Hera said over the comm to the Phantom that was pilot by Sabine. Leo was leaning next to the chair. "Copy specter 2, we're on our mark." Sabine answers and dive in. she headed for the front cruiser, "And firing now." she states and fires at the magnet on the cruiser, making the cargo drop and float away. "And boom goes the dynamite," Leo said with a fist pump. "And Cargo is liberated. Spectre 2, you are clear for pick up." Sabine informs her over the comms.

Then Hera dives for it, Chopper shrieks as he rolls to the side and Leto held onto Hera's goggles with his mouth as she spins for the cargo. Then Mako sense more incoming. "Hera Look out!" she shouts over the comms as Star destroyers drop out of hyperspace. She looks over and saw them fire at her, "Imperial Reinforcements have arrived." Hera warns everyone as she started to spin the other way, making Chopper roll the other way and Leto held on tighter. Ezra sees them too, "Aw, Karabass." he mutters and Mako at the reinforcements. "We need to wrap this up and fast," she warns them.

Hera flew away from the Star Destroyer and two Tie-fighters chases after them, "Whew, got really crowded all of a sudden." Ezra states and Mako scoffs. "That's an understatement," she said and fires at the Ties.

Sabine looks over and saw that Phoenix 1 was chase by Ties as well, "Need a little help, they're all over me." he calls out, "We're coming." Leo answers him, "Got ya covered Phoenix 1." Sabine answers as well, then flew in and blasted at the Tie. But then Star destroyer fires at the Rebel home ship, damaging the shields and makes everyone stagger. "We're losing our deflector shields. Ghost, we must withdrawal." the commander informs them. "Acknowledge Commander Sato, but first we're getting what we came for," Hera informs him, Leto lets go of Hera's goggles and looks down at the panel over Hera. "Zeb, be ready to pull those containers aboard," Hera said over the comm.

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