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Okay, Haruka. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this!

Those lines had become a charm for Hijirikawa Haruka. She had to be mentally stronger when her body could not obtain the rest that it deserved. She clenched her small fists while her stocking-covered legs were fidgeting out of nervousness. No matter what kind of hard slog she had to swallow previously, they were no match with what her mind, body, and soul were fighting against now.

Haruka exhaled a heavy sigh before making her way into the vast and luxurious bedroom. Deluxe furniture appeared from her right and left but her golden eyes only fixed a certain tall figure, standing by a window while holding a picture.

Even though his good look was not the reason for Haruka to marry him, it did not stop Haruka from adoring her husband whenever he was around. Despite the blank and ashen demeanor, his face still looked attractive, especially when his blue hair fit the shape of his face impeccably. His blue eyes flashed their lure as they stared at the neighborhood which was mostly occupied by celebrities. His other hand was placed against the maroon curtain, sending Haruka to hope for an embrace from the pale-skinned but tender arms.

"Good... Good morning, Masato," she greeted anxiously as soon as she stood right behind him. Her fingers were still playing with each other, channeling her restlessness.

The said man slowly turned to see her. The fact that her eyes met his was enough to make Haruka blushed like a fangirl. So, when Masato smiled handsomely before enveloping her petite frame in his warm embrace, she felt like she just owned a paradise.

Wait! Why is he hugging me all of sudden? Does it mean... He remembers me? My husband remembers me?

"Good morning. I am sorry but what's your name again?" His soft and innocent question stabbed her heart smack-dab. The paradise that she just saw in her head was razed in the blink of an eye.

No, he still doesn't remember me.

As they pulled away from each other, Haruka moved her face muscle awkwardly, attempting to smile at her husband.

"I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Hijirikawa Haruka," she said. The woman still felt upset when he did not remember her but when Masato's face leaned closer, she also leaned to blush furiously instead.

"Hijirikawa Haruka," Masato rubbed his chin while his eyes observed her intently.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Hijirikawa," he bowed while smiling brightly. "I am sorry but who are you? Do I know you?"

He blurted out a set of the same questions which telling Haruka that the blue-haired man would never spare her a place in his heart and mind. Masato's brain would randomly act like an eraser; expunging everything about her. No one could tell when he would lose his memory again since the pattern was fickle.

Yet, Haruka never felt apoplectic towards the guy because he did not choose to forget his wife. Instead, his system reacted oppositely of what his old self actually wanted.

Everyone knew that Haruka meant everything to Hijirikawa Masato.

"I am your wife. I carry your surname which is Hijirikawa," she replied as calm as possible.

"Huh? For real?" Masato looked adorable as he widened his blue eyes.

"Yes. Your name is Hijirikawa Masato."

"Oh, I see. And you are my wife," Masato stared at Haruka with a puzzled expression, much to her dismay. She yearned for the moments when Masato's eyes only glued to her. Along with his blushed face, he would remark that she looked so beautiful.

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