Chapter 34

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''You look nice where are you going'' I asked walking down the stairs with the dirty laundry basket to see Harvey walking towards the front door. ''To the mall then hanging out in the pool with my friends, is that ok'' he bit his lip putting his hands into his jeans.

''Yeah that's fine, you need money'' I asked him. ''Nope dad gave me soon, see ya later mom'' I smiled as he closed the door and I walked down the hallway to the laundry room and I put the dirty washing into the two washing machines and I took the clothes out of the tumble dryer and folded them.

''Babe'' I heard Bradley called out. ''Yeah'' I called back and I heard footsteps walking down the hall I turned around and he leaned against the door frame.

''It's a nice day 83 degrees I'm thinking a barbeque few cold bottles what you think'' he asked. ''Sure love whatever you want'' I smiled and turned around and picked the basket of clean clothes up and walked to the door he moved out of the way and I walked out.

''You ok'' he asked me I smiled and nodded walking down the hall way and I went up the stairs into Millie's room, most of the washing wash from her room, because of their first periods her clothes and bed clothes were destroyed, poor little mite was so embarrassed she tried to hid them from me and wash them herself, won't even look me in the eye.

''Ok so I got you something yesterday in the mall'' I said putting the basket down and took the mattress protector out. ''I have one on my bed, they are wash able so your mattress doesn't get destroyed'' she nodded looking at her hands and I sat down beside her.

''Honey it's nothing to be embarrassed about I'm your mom, I gave birth to you I cleaned your dirty diaper for year's this is nothing different'' I said playing with her curly hair she sighed. ''I hate being a girl'' she mumbled I laughed and kissed the top of her head and I bent my leg on the bed looking at her.

''I got my first period when I was 11'' she looked at me. ''You did'' I nodded.

''I was in a home and I was in so much pain I could barely move, I had no one to talk to about it and I know how it feels to be in this possession but you don't need to be like this I'm your mom I'm the one who does the laundry not your dad so you don't have to try do the washing yourself ok'' she looked down at her hands fiddling her thumbs.

''How about you just bring them down stairs and put it in the machine and tell me you put you dirty sheets in the machine ok that better''.

''Much'' I smiled and opened my arms and she moved over wrapping her arms around my waist. ''How you feeling any way'' she asked.

''My back's not sore but my belly is'' I hummed and nodded and she pulled out sitting up and sighed. ''Um mom'' she asked and fiddled with her hands.

''Do you, you know still get them'' she asked I gasped. ''I'm not as old as you think young lady'' she fought a smile off I chuckled.

''Yeah I do, every month and I hate it, even at 35 I do be in a heap of pain, some months I'll be fine don't feel a thing other months I do be in so much pain I cry''.

''You do'' she asked frowning I nodded. ''Yeah, I don't show it to you kids because I'm a mom still have things to do, but your dad is a great help, he rubs my belly till I fall asleep, so it's not all bad, when you are older and have a boyfriend make sure he rubs your belly ok'' she grimaced.

''I don't want him to know I have my period'' she said in disgust I laughed. ''I was the same when I was first dating your dad, when I was going through chemo my period didn't come for a few months so I was about a month dating your dad and I was without a period for nearly 4 months so I was in agony when I first got it, now your dad was a very, very attractive 18 year old I was literally mortified to be around him because my brothers new I had it by the way I snapped at them and I knew he knew and I didn't want him to be grossed out, but your dad nope he didn't care, he turned up at the front door of your grandparents with ice cream chocolates and dvd's and we laid in my bed all night, he rubbed my belly literally taking the pain away, he done this every single bad period for the 3 days, believe me your boyfriend will do this to make you feel better'' I smiled tucking her hair behind her eyes she smiled.

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