Chapter 10

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''Right spit it out already you have us worrying'' Justin said as himself Laura Madison Chris all sat in our living room I looked at Bradley. ''Yesterday we went to the hospital'' Justin face went white ''because I'm pregnant''' I said smiling Laura and Madison hands went to their mouths.

''With twins'' Bradley said. ''OH MY GOD'' they shouted and started crying and ran over and hugged the life out of us.

''My baby is going to be a mommy again'' Laura cried I smiled and hugged her tight and I looked at Justin.

''Going to be a grandpa again dad'' I said he smiled and stood up and walked over and hugged me tight.

''I'm so happy for you'' he mumbled into my hair. ''Thank you'' I hugged him tighter then hugged Chris.

''Let me see that bump'' Madison said I chuckled and pulled my top showing them my belly.

''Awh it's so cute'' they rubbed my bump I chuckled.

''Do you know the gender'' Chris asked. ''No we want it to be a surprise'' Bradley said as I sat back down beside him he smiled rubbing my thigh with his thumb and kissed the side of my head.

''How long have you known'' Chris asked his arm slung over his wife's shoulder while she cuddled into his side.

''Since I was 7 week, we didn't want to tell anyone in case anything happened'' I said lacing my hand with Bradley they all smiled.

''This is amazing, really is''.

''So what's up'' Evan asked I nudged Bradley he looked up at him. ''Ronnie's 12 weeks pregnant with twins'' he said casually, the bottle of diet coke Lisa had in her hand hit the floor, good thing it was closed or my white rug be destroyed.

''Fuck off really '' she asked I nodded.

''I'm 12 weeks pregnant but with one baby'' I gasped.

''No way'' I screamed running over and hugged the life out of her. ''Oh my god so we are due like the same time'' she squealed.

''I'm Due Aug 9th''.

''Aug 12th'' we screamed and hugged each other again and I hugged Evan.

''My little bro is going to be a daddy this so amazing'' I kissed all over his face he groaned peeling me off him.

''Naw this is just so great we so have to go shopping, Bradley is useless at shopping so is Evan as a matter of fact, Jake will mind Kai, we so need to go'' I said sitting down and we started talking about our pregnancy's so far and going shopping.

''Ok, I have heard enough baby talk shut up and let's go home'' Evan groaned I glared at him he bit his lip and moved away from me. ''God man she is having two that means double the hormones good luck, I will pray for you'' I rolled my eyes and chuckled and stood up to my feet.

''Donna still doesn't know'' I said to Lisa as we walked out front.

''She probably knows about me already, he told Jake who screamed she's pregnant so my phone is in the car I reckon I have a lot of angry messages off her'' she said I chuckled and opened the door.

''Just use the whole I'm pregnant crap she used on us and she will calm down'' I said and gave her a big hug and rubbed her belly.

''I'm going to be an aunty for the second time'' I gushed. ''And a mother for the third'' I let out a breath.

''3 kids and I will 23 isn't that exciting'' I said she laughed and hugged me again I smiled and I hugged Evan tight.

''You take care of her ok, do as you are told, rub her feet and the end of her back and see to her cravings, ok need anything ring me''.

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