Chapter 31

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''Nervous'' Maria the social worker asked me I chuckled and nodded feeling my palms sweat. ''Yeah god she's a baby I feel like I am about to be judged, my stomach is turning'' she laughed.

''You'll be fine, heads up she is very shy and she may make strange she has cried a lot today ever since we took her from the home'' she said I frowned and she opened the door to an office and immediately hearings cries which broke my heart, I walked in to see a crying baby trying to be settled by two other women but it was doing no good, tears rolled down her chubby tears my eyes watered and I walked over and I gently picked her hand up and kissed the back of it she cried and looked at me.

''It's ok baby it's ok'' I whispered to her rubbing her cheek and I put my hands out and she put her arms out and I smiled and I took her from the lady and I wiped her cheeks and my own and I kissed her cheek.

''Now princess it's ok, you don't need to cry no more'' I kissed her cheek she still cried but she wasn't trying to get out of my grip it was because there so many in the room so I turned around so it was just me she could see.

''It's ok baby girl it's ok I won't anyone hurt you'' I said rubbing her back and she rested her head on my shoulder and I kissed her baldy head and swayed us from side to side and I turned around everyone was looking at me and Bradley had a big smile on his face.

''She likes you'' Maria said I smiled and sat down on the chair rubbing her back and I looked at Maria as them two women left the room.

''So if we take her now her parents can't get her back from us or anything can they'' Bradley asked his hand on my thigh and Maria shook her head. ''It's all in the records of her being abandon and if they ever tried to get in contact they would be arrested for child abuse, once she is adopted by you both she is your child no one else's'' I smiled and nodded.

''So let's do this then'' I sat forward Maria smiled handing me a pen and turned a folder around to me and I signed my name as did Bradley and I smiled.

''It's official baby October is your little girl'' she said I smiled kissing her little head she was looking at the wall her head still on my chest, the first moment I held her in my arms I feel in love all over again, it was like she was always my baby.

''I wish you all the best of luck'' I hugged Maria. ''Thank you for everything you have been a saint making this happen for us'' she waved me off.

''She needs a home and to be loved, I know you are the perfect couple for it'' we thanked her and excited the building to a awaiting SUV and we got in and I put her down in the car seat strapped her in and I put a pacifier in her mouth and rubbed her cheek and put my belt on and I looked at Bradley he smiled and kissed me softly I smiled rubbing his cheek and our driver drove us to the airport, we spent two days doing more paper work so it's a relief to finally have her now.

''Ah you are all confused you little cutie'' I cooed and she looked at me. ''You are coming home with us yes you are, and you're going to meet you big brothers and your sister, that's your daddy can you say hi daddy'' I asked holding her up to Bradley he kissed the back of her hand and blew raspberries and she had a small smile on her face I smiled kissing her cheek.

''You are going to like your new home, we have a big room for you but it going to take a little while to do it up but I think mommy will make it into a princess room for her little princess what do you think'' I asked rubbing my nose off her's she looked into my eyes and she could see the softness in my eyes and her lip curled up I smiled and I looked at Bradley holding her out he took her off me and her pacifier fell out and her lip quivered

''Oh no it's ok baby I won't hurt you'' he whispered kissed her cheek swaying side to side and he sang twinkle, twinkle little star and put her pacifier in her mouth and she looked at him as he sang then she looked at me I smiled and she looked at him studying him then she smiled I awed and she went shy nuzzling her head into his neck and a massive smile took over his face and he kissed top of her head.

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