Chapter 14

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''Now'' I whispered as I put Millie down in her crib and I put the baby monitors on loud and I walked back across to mine and Ronnie's room to see her peacefully sleeping cuddling the blanket, I smiled turning the bathroom light on and I slipped under the covers and I moved over to her moving the blanket from her grip and it caused her to move over to me and cuddle into my side, I kissed the top of her head.

''They go down ok'' she groggily ask.

''Yeah they are fine, go back to sleep baby '' I whispered running my hand through her hair as her breathing went down calmly I leaned my head on the side of her and I looked over at the clock, it was only 9:45pm and my three kids where fast asleep, whoa 3 kids, I still find it hard to believe I have three kids with the absolute love of my life. This girl laying here in my arms doesn't realize how happy she makes me feel, we have been through so much heartache from the time we met up until a few months ago, yes we still argue and want to kill each other, but I wouldn't give her up for nothing, she made me the happiest man on the world by giving me my first born son then marrying me then she tops it off by giving me two adorable babies another little boy and my princess, I owe her my life.

I woke up to movement on the bed, I opened my eyes to see Ronnie getting out of the bed and I looked at the clock it was 3am and I heard the babies making noise

''Babe stop go back to sleep I will see to them, you haven't sleep right in weeks just sleep ok'' I said pulling her down gently. ''I don't want to have to leave it to you'' she whispered and I looked down at her as she was lying on the pillow.

''It's ok, once you get your well deserve rest we will do shifts now go to sleep'' I kissed her head she mumbled ok covering herself and closed her eyes I smiled and headed into the twins nursery and I took their bottles out of the heater we bought instead of having to go down stairs during the night.

''Now princess daddy is here'' I whispered picking up Millie who was making the most noise while Braydon was just moving in his crib.

''Now'' I said putting her baby grow back on after putting a clean diaper on and I sat on the rocking chair and I gave her, her bottle and once she drank every bit I burp her for a minute or two and put her pacifier back in and laid her down and she was back to sleep in seconds so I dealt with my little man doing the same and in ten minutes he was burp and back to sleep and I headed out of the nursery and I heard a little cough more like a bark cough and I walked down to Harvey's room he was sitting up in the bed coughing.

''What's wrong buddy'' I asked he turned his head to the door and he coughed again, I frowned and walked over and put my hand on his forehead, he wasn't hot.

''Is your throat hurting'' he nodded.

''Ok daddy will be right back'' I kissed the top of his head and I went into the main bedroom and I took the Calpol from the medicine cabinet and went back into him and I gave him a spoon full and I laid down beside him and he fell back to sleep in ten minutes, I made sure he was on his side and a pillow was behind him just in case he turned during the night and he coughed and couldn't catch his breath.


''Where's momma'' Harvey asked sitting on the sofa beside me. ''I'm here'' I turned around to see Ronnie looked all Comfy and gorgeous.

''Hey gorgeous'' I said she smiled and sat down beside me and kissed my cheek putting her arm over my shoulder rubbing the back of my neck.

''How were they last night'' she asked. ''Fine you know what I don't think Millie likes her crib'' she frowned.

''Why is there something wrong with it'' I shook my head ''No the crib is fine she just like to be with Braydon, when I put her down she just cried and when I picked her up she stop and settle I went to do it again she cried, I figure it out, she doesn't like to be alone and when I put her down beside Him they slept through the 6 o clock feed and woke up at eight''

''That what being womb mates does to you'' she said I looked at her and laughed. ''Womb mates really'' she chuckled ''That's what they were'' she said and bent her legs then Harvey coughed and that caught her attention and she looked over at him he coughed again covering his mouth and looked at the twins thinking he woke them, I smiled, for 3 years of age he is so mature it's unreal.

''Baby what's wrong'' she cooed walking over sitting beside him he looked at her shaking his head and coughed again he covered his mouth she rubbed his back and looked at me then back to him, he removed his hand and there was bits of blood.

''Bradley'' Ronnie panicked I rushed over as he went into a coughing fit. ''Buddy it's ok, just breath thought your nose ok try relax'' I said softly rubbing his back and his coughing stop but the blood was still coming out I looked at Ronnie who was full of worry and she stood up and picked his coat up and baby wipes, she wiped his hand and mouth.

''You stay with the twins I will bring him the hospital I will ring you'' she said and with that she walked out fast carrying him and I looked down at the twins and rubbed my face and sat down my head in my hands and for the next four hours I waited impatiently for them to return.

I heard the front door opening and close, I ran out to see Ronnie carrying Harvey I walked over and took him from her and I put him down on the sofa and looked at her she looked at me her eyes full of tears.

''What's wrong'' she sniffled and I hugged her tight. ''He has bronchitis '' I felt relived it was nothing to serious.

''My heart Bradley I was just waiting for them to tell me he had...c-cancer'' she shook her head and sat down rubbing his cheek. ''I hate seeing him sick, I wish I could take it from him'' she whispered I bent down and I wiped her cheeks away.

''I know you do baby, but we can get him some medicine and it will go away'' she nodded and let out a long sigh. ''He isn't to go a near the twins the doctor said, he can be in the same room but no kissing their faces or anything'' she said I nodded, I don't care if I got sick and Ronnie wouldn't be bothered if she did either, but now with the twins are here if we kiss him pick something up from him and pass it on to the twins, they are so small and fragile it be worse on their tiny little throats.

''The doctor said just to keep him dehydrated if he can eat let him but not to force him to eat, he gave me a liquid medicine and he is to take a spoon full twice a day it makes him drossy, I gave him a spoon full as soon as I got it from the pharmacy and in ten minutes he was asleep'' she said I sat beside her and hugged her again she wrapped her arms around my waist.

''How were the twins'' she asked. ''Fine they're still sleeping they are due soon, I just leave them until the wake up, they drank four full oozes and unusually they only drink two so they are pretty full for now'' she nodded and sat up and covered Harvey with a blanket.

''Just make sure he doesn't put his mouth a near them or their bottles or pacifiers '' I nodded and she kicked her shoes off and sat back on the sofa pulling me back with her, I looked at her and she turned her side to me and put my arm around her waist and laced her hand with mine I smiled and kissed the back of her head and we sat watching the telly until the twins woke up for their bottle.


''I'm going to be an aunty again I hope I have a niece'' Ronnie bounced on her toes talking to Lexi I laughed and she sat down. ''Well I am four times'' Lexi said smirking.

''Well I am a mother three times, ha beat that'' Ronnie stuck her tongue out. ''Really mature'' I said she smiled.

''I'm so excited for them both, my little bro is going to be a daddy, its mad this baby is your second cousin plus you niece of nephew'' she said nudging me I laughed. ''Yeah babe I know'' I kissed her head she smiled and we waiting impatiently for about 4-5 hours and we were all getting fed up and exhausted.

''My back is killing'' Lexi mumbled standing up. ''I hear ya'' Jake mumbled stretching his legs out then the door opened and Evan walked out we all sat up.

''Well'' Laura asked he smiled.

''Baby boy 8lbs 10 ounce Bentley Jay Bieber''.

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